Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367752) -2016 - CRC - 8/13/15Seats and Restraints 91Infants and YoungChildrenEveryone in a vehicle needsprotection! This includes infants andall other children. Neither thedistance travelled nor the age andsize of the traveller changes theneed, for everyone, to use safetyrestraints.{ WarningChildren can be seriously injuredor strangled if a shoulder belt iswrapped around their neck. The(Continued)Warning (Continued)shoulder belt can tighten butcannot be loosened if it is locked.The shoulder belt locks when it ispulled all the way out of theretractor. It unlocks when theshoulder belt is allowed to go allthe way back into the retractor,but it cannot do this if it iswrapped around a child's neck.If the shoulder belt is locked andtightened around a child's neck,the only way to loosen the belt isto cut it.Never leave children unattendedin a vehicle and never allowchildren to play with the safetybelts.Every time infants and youngchildren ride in vehicles, they shouldhave the protection provided byappropriate child restraints. Neitherthe vehicle's safety belt system norits airbag system is designedfor them.Children who are not restrainedproperly can strike other people,or can be thrown out of the vehicle.{ WarningNever hold an infant or a childwhile riding in a vehicle. Due tocrash forces, an infant or a childwill become so heavy it is notpossible to hold it during a crash.For example, in a crash at only40 km/h (25 mph), a 5.5 kg (12 lb)infant will suddenly become a110 kg (240 lb) force on aperson's arms. An infant shouldbe secured in an appropriaterestraint.