Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367752) -2016 - CRC - 8/13/15Vehicle Care 305free of grease, petrol, or othersubstances that can deterioraterubber.Parking for an extended period cancause flat spots on the tyres thatmay result in vibrations whiledriving. When storing a vehicle forat least a month, remove the tyresor raise the vehicle to reduce theweight from the tyres.Buying New TyresGM has developed and matchedspecific tyres for the vehicle.The original equipment tyresinstalled were designed tomeet General Motors TyrePerformance CriteriaSpecification (TPC Spec)system rating. Whenreplacement tyres are needed,GM strongly recommendsbuying tyres with the sameTPC Spec rating.GM's exclusive TPC Specsystem considers over a dozencritical specifications that impactthe overall performance of thevehicle, including brake systemperformance, ride and handling,traction control, and tyrepressure monitoringperformance. GM's TPC Specnumber is moulded onto thetyre's sidewall near the tyre size.If the tyres have an all-seasontread design, the TPC Specnumber will be followed by MSfor mud and snow.GM recommends replacing worntyres in complete sets of four.Uniform tread depth on all tyreswill help to maintain theperformance of the vehicle.Braking and handlingperformance may be adverselyaffected if all the tyres are notreplaced at the same time.If proper rotation andmaintenance have been done,all four tyres should wear out atabout the same time. See TyreRotation 0 303 for informationon proper tyre rotation.However, if it is necessary toreplace only one axle set ofworn tyres, place the new tyreson the rear axle.{ WarningTyres could explode duringimproper service. Attemptingto mount or dismount a tyrecould cause injury or death.Only your dealer or authorisedtyre service centre shouldmount or dismount the tyres.{ WarningNever drive faster than the speedthe tyres are rated, regardless ofthe legal speed limit. Whenfrequently driving the vehicle athigh speeds and/or for prolongedperiods of time, check with yourvehicle/tyre dealer for the propertype of tyres to use for thespecific driving and weatherconditions.