Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367752) -2016 - CRC - 8/13/1558 Seats and RestraintsMemory SeatsThe SET, 1, 2, and B (Exit) buttonson the driver's door are used tomanually store and recall memorysettings for the driver seat, exteriormirrors, power tilt and telescopingsteering column, adjustable pedals(if equipped), and massage settings(if equipped).Storing Memory PositionsTo store positions to the 1 and 2buttons:1. The ignition must be in ON/RUN or ACC/ACCESSORY.2. Adjust the driver's seat, exteriormirrors, power tilt andtelescoping steering column,adjustable pedals (if equipped),and massage settings (ifequipped) to the desiredpositions.3. Press and release SET. A beepwill sound.4. Immediately press and hold 1until two beeps sound.5. Repeat steps 1–4 for a seconddriver using 2.To store exit positions and easy exitfeatures to the B (Exit) button,repeat steps 1–4 using B to storeyour positions for getting out of thevehicle.Manually Recalling MemoryPositionsPress and hold 1, 2, or B (Exit) tomanually recall the previouslystored memory positions andmassage settings (if equipped).Releasing 1, 2, or B before thestored positions are reached stopsthe recall.If the massage feature is off whenthe memory recall is performed, thepreviously stored type and intensitywill be recalled, but it will remain offuntil activated with the massagecontrol.Automatically Recalling MemoryPositions (Auto Memory Recall)If programmed on in the vehiclepersonalisation menus, the Auto(Automatic) Memory Recall featureautomatically recalls the currentdriver's previously stored 1 or 2position and massage settings (ifequipped) when the ignition ischanged from OFF to ON/RUN orACC/ACCESSORY.See “Auto Memory Recall” under"Comfort and Convenience" inVehicle Personalisation 0 158.To stop recall movement, press oneof the memory, power mirror,or power seat controls; press thepower tilt and telescoping steeringcolumn control; or press theadjustable pedal control.