Cadillac Escalade Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367752) -2016 - CRC - 8/13/15Storage 117Roof Rack System{ WarningIf something is carried on top ofthe vehicle that is longer or widerthan the roof rack - like panelling,plywood, or a mattress - the windcan catch it while the vehicle isbeing driven. The item beingcarried could be violently torn off,and this could cause a collisionand damage the vehicle. Nevercarry something longer or widerthan the roof rack on top of thevehicle unless using a GMcertified accessory carrier.If equipped, the roof rack can beused to load items. For roof racksthat do not have crossrails included,GM Certified crossrails can bepurchased as an accessory.See your dealer for additionalinformation.CautionLoading cargo on the roof rackthat weighs more than 100 kg(220 lb) or hangs over the rear orsides of the vehicle may damagethe vehicle. Load cargo so that itrests evenly between thecrossrails, making sure to fastencargo securely.To prevent damage or loss of cargowhen driving, check to make surecrossrails and cargo are securelyfastened. Loading cargo on the roofrack will make the vehicle's centreof gravity higher. Avoid high speeds,sudden starts, sharp turns, suddenbraking, or abrupt manoeuvres,otherwise loss of control may result.If driving for a long distance, onrough roads, or at high speeds,occasionally stop the vehicle tomake sure the cargo remains inits place.Do not exceed the maximum vehiclecapacity when loading the vehicle.For more information on vehiclecapacity and loading, see VehicleLoad Limits 0 198.A Centre High-Mounted Brake lamp(CHMSL) is located above the rearwindow glass. Make sure itemsloaded on the roof of the vehicle donot block or damage the CHMSL.