Instrumentation and Controls. . . 52• SpeedometerIn addition to the standardanalog speedometer, yourvehicle is equipped with a digi-tal speed display.The reading will be indicated inmetric units of KM/H (kilome-ters per hour) or in US-Englishunits of MPH (miles per hour).• Blank DisplayA blank page ends this menu.Vehicle Information MenuPress this button repeatedly toscroll through the VehicleInformation Menu displays.OIL LIFE REMAININGThis display shows the percentageof oil life remaining.If, for example, you see 95% OILLIFE REMAINING that means thatthe way you are driving your vehi-cle, 95% of the current oil liferemains.When the remaining oil life is low,the CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONmessage will appear.After the oil change messagecomes on, change the engine oilas soon as possible.After you change the oil, the oil lifemonitor will need to be reset. Seeyour dealer for service.See "Engine Oil" in Section 4 formore information.Also see the MaintenanceSchedule booklet for moreinformation.AKENG40_CTS Page 52 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM