Instrumentation and Controls. . . 176CD/DVD Audio PlayerThis player is not a CD changer.You may load only one disc at atime into this player.Insert a disc part-way into the slot,label side up. The player will pull itin the rest of the way.If the sound system is on, the discwill begin to play.A track number will appear on thedisplay when each track starts toplay.If the ignition or the radio is turnedoff, the disc will stay in the player.When the ignition and radio areturned on, the disc will resumeplay at the point where it stopped.When playing any compatibledisc, the sound quality may bereduced due to disc quality, themethod of recording, the qualityof the music that has been record-ed, or the way the disc has beenhandled.There may be increased skipping,difficulty in finding tracks/chaptersand/or difficulty in loading andejecting.Be sure never to touch the signalsurface when handling discs. Pickup discs by grasping the outeredges or the edge of the hole andthe outer edge.If these problems occur, check thebottom of the disc for damage ortry a known good disc.NOTICEDo not apply paper labels todiscs. The labels may getcaught in the player.Insert only one disc at a time.Do not use scratched ordamaged discs.Keep other items, liquids anddebris away from the loadingslot.If an error message ever appearson the display, see "Error Messag-es" later in this section.If any error occurs repeatedly or ifan error can't be corrected, pleasecontact your dealer.Provide your dealer with anydisplayed error codes.AKENG40_CTS Page 176 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM