199 . . .–Section 1CARE OF YOUR CDS ANDDVDSHandle discs carefully. Store themin their original cases or otherprotective cases and away fromdirect sunlight and dust. If thesurface of a disc is soiled, dampena clean, soft cloth in a mild, neutraldetergent solution mixed withwater and clean it, wiping fromthe center to the edge.Be sure never to touch the signalsurface when handling discs. Pickup discs by grasping the outeredges or the edge of the hole andthe outer edge.ERROR MESSAGESIf DISC ERROR appears and/or thedisc comes out, it means there isan error. The cause may beextreme heat, rough road,moisture or a damaged orimproperly loaded disc. The discmay not play or it may eject.Unless the disc is damaged, it willplay when conditions are back tonormal.An error may occur if the playlist,compressed audio, or data file hasa format that is not supported bythe player.When playing a CD-R, the soundquality might be reduced due toCD-R quality, the method ofrecording, the quality of the musicthat has been recorded and theway the CD-R has been handled.You may experience an increase inskipping, difficulty in finding tracksand/or difficulty in loading andejecting.Do not add paper labels to discs.They could get caught in thecompact disc player.If any error occurs repeatedly or ifan error can’t be corrected, pleasecontact your dealer.Provide your dealer with anydisplayed error codes.AKENG40_CTS Page 199 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM