Press one of the numbered memory buttons to recallthe stored setting. Each time a memory button ispressed, a single beep will sound.Three chimes will sound and the setting will not berecalled if you press button 1 or 2 when the vehicle isnot in PARK (P) on an automatic transmission orthe parking brake is not set on a manual transmission.If you would like the stored driving positions to berecalled when unlocking your vehicle with the remotekeyless entry transmitter or when you place thekey in the ignition, see DIC Vehicle Personalization onpage 3-70.To stop recall movement of the memory feature at anytime, press one of the power seat or mirror controls.Two personalized exit positions can also beprogrammed. Use the following steps to program exitpositions:1. Press memory seat button 1 or the button with theunlock symbol on the remote keyless entrytransmitter with the number 1 on the back to recallthe driving position.2. Adjust the driver’s seat to the desired exit position.3. Press and hold the exit button located abovebuttons 1 and 2 on the driver’s door armrestfor at least three seconds.Two beeps will sound to confirm that the exitposition has been saved.4. Repeat the procedure for a second driver usingmemory seat button 2 or the remote keylessentry transmitter with the number 2 on the back.To recall the stored exit positions, press and release theexit button. One beep will sound, and the seat willmove to the previously stored exit position for thecurrently identified driver. If an exit position has notbeen stored for this driver, the seat will move all the wayback. The position of the outside mirrors is not storedor recalled for the exit position.If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, thevehicle must be in PARK (P) to recall the exit positions.For a manual transmission, the parking brake mustbe set to recall the stored exit positions.Three chimes will sound and the exit setting will not berecalled if you press the exit button when the vehicleis not in PARK (P) on an automatic transmission or theparking brake is not set on a manual transmission.If you would like your stored exit position to be recalledwhen unlocking the vehicle with the remote keylessentry transmitter or when the ignition is turned off andthe driver’s door is opened, see DIC VehiclePersonalization on page 3-70.2-53