When you want to open a rear door while the securitylock is on, do the following:1. Unlock the door using the remote keyless entrytransmitter, the front door power lock switch orby lifting the rear door manual lock.2. Then open the door from the outside.To cancel the rear door security lock, do the following:1. Unlock the door and open it from the outside.2. Turn the knob on the passenger’s side of the reardoor counterclockwise all the way back to theoriginal position.3. Turn the knob on the driver’s side of the rear doorclockwise all the way back to the original position.The rear door locks will now work normally.Lockout ProtectionLeaving your key in any ignition position with any dooropen will disable the power door lock switches aswell as the lock button on the remote keyless entrytransmitter. If you close the doors, you can lock themusing the remote keyless entry transmitter. It isalways recommended that you remove the ignition keywhen locking your vehicle.The anti-lockout feature can be overridden by holdingthe power door lock switch for three seconds or longer.2-11