SCAN: Scan the stations within a PTY by performingthe following:1. Press PTY to activate program type select mode.PTY will appear on the display.2. Press LEVEL to select a PTY.3. Once the desired PTY is displayed, press SCAN,and the radio will begin scanning the stations inthe PTY.4. Press SCAN to stop at a station.RDS MessagesALERT!: Alert warns of local or continental U.S.-basedemergencies. When an alert announcement comes onthe current radio station or a related network station,ALERT will appear on the display. You will hear theannouncement, even if the volume is low or a cassettetape or a CD is playing, or if RDS mode is turned off.To increase or to decrease the volume, turn the PWR/VOL knob. TA VOLUME will appear on the display whilethe volume is being adjusted.If the radio tunes to a related network station for an alertannouncement, it will return to the original station whenthe announcement is finished. If a cassette tape or CD isplaying, play will stop during the announcement. Alertannouncements cannot be turned off.ALERT! will not be affected by tests of the emergencybroadcast system. This feature is not supported by allRDS stations.MSG (Message): If the current station has a message,MSG will appear on the display. Press this button, tosee the message. The message may display the artist,song title, call in phone numbers, etc.If the entire message does not appear on the display,parts of the message will appear every three seconds.To scroll through the message, press and releasethe MSG button. A new group of words will appear onthe display after every press of the MSG button.Once the complete message has been displayed, MSGwill disappear from the display until another newMSG is received.3-91