EN | 58 Bosch Security Systems | December 13, 2005Press [User] to exit the mode.User Function 11 - Select Time / Date FormatUser Function 11 is used to set the time and date format used throughout the system.The two (2) formats of time available are - 12-hour mode and 24-hour mode. Thedate is available in a MM-DD-YY format (U.S.), a DD-MM-YY format (International),and a YY-MM-DD format (Asian). After entering the mode, move the joystick up ordown to select the desired format. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press[Enter] to converts the system to the format chosen, then press [User] to exit themode.User Function 12 - Default All Monitor OverlaysUser Function 12 is used to reset all monitor overlays to default characteristics; bot-tom center of screen, and full brightness. After entering the mode, press [Enter] toreset all monitor overlays. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] toexit.User Function 13 - Print System Configuration TablesUse this function to print the contents of the various system configuration tables.Move the joystick up and down to select a table, then press [Enter] to send it to theprinter port. If using the LTC 8555 Series keyboard, press [User] to exit.User Function 14 - Reserved FunctionUser Function 15 - System ResetThe system may be reset from the keyboard. After entering this mode, the videomonitor screen indicates RESET SYSTEM. Enter the password via the numeric key-pad, and press [Enter]. The system will then reset. If using the LTC 8555 Series key-board, press [User] to exit the mode without resetting the system.NOTE: The system should be reset whenever a change is made on the main CPUmodule's DIP switches. Alternatively, the main power to the CPU bay may beswitched off for ten (10) seconds, then restored. Depending on the size and complex-ity of the system, several seconds may be required before operation is restored. Thistime is due to the amount of initialization tasks being performed, and is considerednormal.User Function 16 - Time Event Enable/DisableUse this function to enable or disable any of the programmed time event functions.Up to 64 time event functions can be programmed with the optional LTC 8059/00MCS, or the LTC 8850/00 GUI Software. Moving the joystick up and down stepsthrough a table of the 64 time events. If an event has been programmed, moving thejoystick to the right enables the event, and to the left disables it. The current status ofan enabled time event is displayed by this user function.User Function 17 - Set Monitor IDUser Function 17 is used to enter a (12-character) monitor identification message fordisplay in the top line of the monitor overlay display on any system monitor(s). Thismonitor title will be visible on the display regardless of the camera currently beingviewed. This message can be used to identify the particular monitor or a groupof cameras assigned to this monitor. See Chapter 19, “Character ROM Tables forLTC 8500,” on page 68 for the available characters.