General InformationEN | 55User Function 1 - Local Keyboard TestUser Function 1 can be used as a local test to ensure that all the keyboard LEDs andswitches are working.This function automatically calibrates the center position of theanalog joystick on LTC 8555 keyboards. Upon entering this test, the keyboard willbeep and all LEDs will light for about two (2) seconds. The USER should note ifthere are any LED failures.Each key may be pressed to display a unique code number associated with that key.Follow the table below to ensure that all keys are properly being processed by thekeyboard. Push [USER] last, as this causes the keyboard to exit the test mode. If thelog-on system feature has been selected by the system installer, the same local testmay be initiated while the keyboard is not ON LINE by pressing * (STAR).40 n/a n/a Reserved - - -41 Select n/a Set Satellite Communication Format Y Y N N42 Select n/a Keyboard log-in auto-off mode Y Y N N43 n/a n/a CPU battery status Y Y Y99 Select n/a Use functions index Y Y YFn#JoystickUp/DownJoystickLeft/Right Function DescriptionPass-wordReq.Access LevelKey No.IRIS UP 044IRIS DOWN 045FOCUS UP 042FOCUS DOWN 043ZOOM CLOCKWISE1 041ZOOM COUNTERCLOCKWISE1 040ALARM 004USER 000SEQUENCE 032HOLD 036RUN 033PREVIOUS 035NEXT 034#1 010#2 018#3 026#4 011#5 019#6 027CAMERA 024MONITOR 008ACKNOWLEDGE 005PROGRAM 002SET 001SHOT 009OFF 025ON 017* (STAR) 016LOCK 003#7 012#8 020