Alarm Activated Pre-positionEN | 4115.5 Alarm Activated Pre-positionAlarm activated pre-position capability exists in each of the three (3) alarm responsemodes. This enables a pan/tilt/zoom equipped camera to automatically positionitself to a preprogrammed scene as a result of an alarm signal. When using conven-tional pan/tilt equipped devices and zoom lenses, they must have the necessaryoptions for pre-position control. The system default is to activate pre-position #16of the system camera receiving an alarm. Using the optional LTC 8059/00 MCSpackage or the optional LTC 8850/00 GUI Software package, the user can config-ure a response to alarms as required.15.6 Sample Alarm ResponsesBasic ModeIn the Basic alarm response mode, cam-eras are individually armed for eachalarm monitor.Monitors and their respectively armedcameras are programmed individually.Multiple alarms on monitors aresequenced automatically.Alarmed video remains on monitors forduration of alarm input signal.Auto-Build ModeIn the Auto-Build alarm response mode,alarms “build-up” on armed monitors asnew alarms are received.Any number of monitors may be armed.Multiple alarms on monitors aresequenced automatically. Alarm videoremains on monitors for duration ofalarm input signal.Alarm Status Alarm Station Display1 st Alarm Video associated with 1 stalarm is displayed on any orall appropriately armedmonitors.2 nd Alarm Video associated with 2 ndalarm is displayed on any orall appropriately armedmonitors.3 rd Alarm Video associated with 3 rdalarm is displayed on any orall appropriately armedmonitors.MONITOR1MONITOR2MONITOR8LTC8500BasicMode.epsAlarm Status Alarm Station Display1 st Alarm Video associated with1 st alarm is displayedon monitor # 1 (ifarmed).2 nd Alarm Video associated with2 nd alarm is displayedon monitor # 2 (ifarmed).3 rd Alarm Video associated with3 rd alarm is displayedon monitor # 3 (ifarmed)....8 th Alarm Video associated with8 th alarm is displayedon monitor # 8 (ifarmed).9 th Alarm Video associated with9 th alarm is sequencedwith video of 1st alarmon monitor # 1.MONITOR1MONITOR2MONITOR8LTC8500AutoBuild.eps2 819