5. Driver and software featuresImage 5-2Supported display controllersWhen driven by an MXRT-x500 or later display controller, AAM can be enabled on selected Barco Coronis,Nio, and Mammography displays. These include the MDCC-6430, MDCC-6330, MDCC-4330, MDCC-4230, MDNC-6121, and MDMC-12133.5.2.2 OperationUsing Application Appearance ManagerSelect each desired application and add it to the list of managed applications. Independently edit theluminance and color profile for each managed application.Certain applications can be blocked from being managed by AAM. In the directory C:\ProgramFiles\Barco\ProductivityTools, open the AAMBlackList.txt file. Enter the name of theapplication executable, and after rebooting the system, the application will not appear in AAM. If thename of the executable isn’t known, launch the application, enable AAM, and note the name of theexecutable from the unmanaged list. Administrative rights are required to edit the file.5.2.3 ConfigurationConfiguring color management• Enable: This check box will enable or disable the Application Appearance Manager.• Running apps not managed by AAM: Application Appearance Manager detects these applicationsrunning on Windows. It is not modifying the appearance of these applications. To add one of these tothe managed list, select it and press the Add button.• Apps managed by AAM: The Application Appearance Manager is managing the applications on thislist. Select an application on this list and use the sliders to change that application’s color profile orluminance value. To remove an item from the managed list, select it and press the Remove button.• Output Color Profile: Change the color profile of the selected managed application by selecting fromthis list.Color profile selection is only available on Coronis Uniti displays that are calibrated withQAWeb 1.13.01 or later and MDNC-6121 displays that are calibrated with QAWeb 1.13.10or later.• Luminance: Change the luminance of the selected managed application with this slider. Althoughthe slider will allow entry up to 1000 candela, the maximum luminance is the calibration luminance ofthe display showing the application window. The minimum luminance is 250 candela.5.3 Conference CloneView5.3.1 DescriptionOverviewThis feature allows the user to clone the images sent to one or more displays to other displays or projectorsattached to the same Barco Display Controller. CloneView supports zooming and panning on the clonedimage(s) for ease of viewing.K5905271 DISPLAY CONTROLLER 27/02/2017 23