4. Configuring Barco displays in Windows4. CONFIGURING BARCO DISPLAYS INWINDOWS4.1 Display resolutionChanging resolutions1. Click on the Configure Displays button on the Barco System Settings Control Panel or right click onthe desktop and select Screen resolution in Windows 7 and 8.1. This will open the Windows ControlPanel shown in image 4-1. In Windows 10, right click on the desktop and select Display settings tolaunch a control panel with similar functions but a different look and feel.2. Click on the Resolution drop down box to show the list of resolutions.3. Select the desired resolution, and click Apply.Image 4-1Windows Display Control PanelIn Windows 7, the maximum horizontal resolution of the desktop is 8192 pixels for a sin-gle display controller. Your calculation should include the VirtualView display, if used.Please refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2724530.4.2 Software rotationConfiguring screen orientationSoftware rotation is only necessary for displays that do not support hardware rotation, such as MDRCdisplays and some third party displays.1. Right click on the Desktop, and select Screen Resolution in the context menu.2. Select a Display.3. In the Orientation drop down list, these options are available:K5905271 DISPLAY CONTROLLER 27/02/2017 19