When not using the LATCH system,all child seats must be secured to thevehicle with the lap part of a lap/shoulder belt.With the child seat in the desiredseating position, route the beltthrough the child seat accordingto the seat maker’s instructions,then insert the latch plate into thebuckle.To activate the lockable retractor,slowly pull the shoulder part of thebelt all the way out until it stops,then let the belt feed back into theretractor.After the belt has retracted, tug onit. If the belt is locked, you will notbe able to pull it out. If you can pullthe belt out, it is not locked, andyou will need to repeat these steps.In addition, the lap/shoulder belts inall seating positions except thedriver’s have a lockable retractorthat must be activated to secure achild seat.1. 2.3.CONTINUEDInstalling a Child Seat with a Lap/Shoulder BeltInstalling a Child Seat Driver and Passenger Safety45