The operatorloads your vehicle on the back of atruck.The towtruck uses two pivoting arms that gounder the tires (front or rear) and liftthem off the ground. The other twotires remain on the ground.If, due to damage, your vehicle mustbe towed with the front wheels onthe ground, do this:Release the parking brake.Shift the transmission to neutral.If your vehicle is equipped with afront spoiler, remove it beforetowing so it is not damaged.There are two ways to tow yourvehicle:Release the parking brake.Start the engine.Shift to D, then to N.Turn off the engine.With the front wheels on the ground,it is best to tow the vehicle no fartherthan 50 miles (80 km), and keep thespeed below 35 mph (55 km/h).If you decide to tow your vehiclewith all four wheels on the ground,make sure you use a properly-designed and attached tow bar.Prepare the vehicle for towing asdescribed above, and leave theignition switched in theACCESSORY (I) position so thesteering wheel does not lock. Makesure the radio and any items pluggedinto the accessory power socket areturned off so they do not run downthe battery.If your vehicle needs to be towed,call a professional towing service ororganization. Never tow your vehiclewith just a rope or chain. It is verydangerous.Manual transmission:Automatic transmission:CONTINUEDEmergency TowingFlat-bed EquipmentWheel-lift EquipmentThis is the best way totransport your vehicle.This isan acceptable way to tow yourvehicle.Taking Care of the Unexpected331Trying to lif t or tow your vehicle by thebumpers will cause serious damage.The bumpers are not designed tosupport the vehicle’s weight.Improper towing preparation willdamage the transmission. Follow theabove procedure exactly. If you cannotshif t the transmission or start theengine (automatic transmission), yourvehicle must be transported with thef ront wheels of f the ground.