The following pages provideinstructions on how to properlyprotect the driver, adult passengersand teenage children who are largeenough and mature enough to driveor ride in the front seat.See pages for importantguidelines on how to properlyprotect infants, small children, andlarger children who ride in yourvehicle.Locking the doors reduces thechance of someone being thrown outof the vehicle during a crash, and ithelps prevent passengers fromaccidentally opening a door andfalling out.Locking the doors also helps preventan outsider from unexpectedlyopening a door when you come to astop.See page for how to lock thedoors.After everyone has entered thevehicle, be sure the doors and trunkare closed and locked.Your vehicle has a door and trunkopen monitor on the multi-information display to indicate whena specific door or the trunk is nottightly closed.33 3796Protecting Adults and TeensClose and Lock the DoorsIntroduction 1.Driver and Passenger Safety11