U.S. Owners:Canadian Owners: When you call or write, please giveus this information:If you are dissatisfied with thedecision made by the dealership’smanagement, contact Acura ClientRelationsAcura dealership personnel aretrained professionals. They shouldbe able to answer all your questions.If you encounter a problem that yourdealership does not solve to yoursatisfaction, please discuss it withthe dealership’s management. Theservice manager or general managercan help. Almost all problems aresolved in this way.Vehicle Identification Number(see page )Name and address of the dealerwho services your vehicleDate of purchaseOdometer reading of your vehicleYour name, address, and tele-phone numberA detailed description of theproblemName of the dealer who sold thevehicle to youIn Puerto Rico and the U.S. VirginIslands:612Client Service Information630American Honda Motor Co., Inc.Acura Client RelationsMail Stop 500-2N-7E1919 Torrance Blvd.Torrance, CA 90501-2746Tel: (800) 382-2238Honda Canada Inc.Acura Client Services180 Honda BoulevardMarkham, ONL6C 0H9Tel: 1-888-9-ACURA-9Fax: 1-877-939-0909E-Mail: acura_cr@ch.honda.comVortex Motor Corp.Bella InternationalP.O. Box 190816San Juan, PR 00919-0816Tel: (787) 620-75462/07/20 11:51:16 31TK4640_635