For further important fuel-relatedinformation for your vehicle, or oninformation on gasoline that does notcontain MMT, visit Acura Owners at. In Canada, visitfor additionalinformation on gasoline. For moreinformation on top tier gasoline, visit.Because the level of detergency andadditives in gasoline vary in themarket, Honda endorses the use of‘‘TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline’’where available to help maintain theperformance and reliability of yourvehicle. TOP TIER DetergentGasoline meets a new gasolinestandard jointly established byleading automotive manufacturers tomeet the needs of today’s advancedengines. Qualifying gasoline retailerswill, in most cases, identify theirgasoline as having met ‘‘TOP TIERDetergent Gasoline’’ standards at theretail location. This fuel isguaranteed to contain the properlevel of detergent additives and befree of metallic additives. The properlevel of detergent additives, andabsence of harmful metallic additivesin gasoline, help avoid build-up ofdeposits in your engine and emissioncontrol system.owners.acura.comwww.acura.cawww.toptiergas.comFuel Recommendation Before Driving469We recommend quality gasolinecontaining detergent additives that helpprevent f uel system and engine deposits.In addition, in order to maintain goodperf ormance, f uel economy, andemissions control, we stronglyrecommend the use of gasoline thatdoes NOT contain harmf ul manganese-based f uel additives such as MMT, ifsuch gasoline is available.Use of gasoline with these additivesmay adversely af f ect perf ormance, andcause the malf unction indicator lampon your instrument panel to come on. Ifthis happens, contact your dealer f orservice. Some gasoline today is blendedwith oxygenates such as ethanol. Yourvehicle is designed to operate onoxygenated gasoline containing up to10% ethanol by volume. Do not usegasoline containing methanol. If younotice any undesirable operatingsymptoms, try another service stationor switch to another brand of gasoline.3/04/02 19:14:33 31TK4640_474