To open either frontwindow fully, push the windowswitch firmly down to the seconddetent, then release it. The windowautomatically goes down all the way.To stop the window from going allthe way down, pull back on thewindow switch briefly.To close either front window fully,pull back the window switch firmlyto the second detent, then release it.The window automatically goes allthe way up. To stop the window fromgoing all the way up, push down onthe window switch briefly.Turn the ignition switch to the ON(II) position to raise or lower anywindow. To open a window, push theswitch down and hold it. Release theswitch when you want the window tostop. Pull back on the switch andhold it to close the window.Models equipped with thekeyless access system have anengine start/stop button insteadof an ignition switch. ON Modeis the equivalent of ON (II). Formore information, see pagesand .:184 187AUTOPower Windows206DRIVER’S WINDOWSWITCHMAIN SWITCHFRONT PASSENGER’SWINDOW SWITCHINDICATORClosing a power window onsomeone’s hands or fingers cancause serious injury.Make sure your passengers areaway from the windows beforeclosing them.2/07/20 10:56:06 31TK4640_211