Chapter 3: Troubleshooting50Returning your system to its factoryconditionIn case your computer experiences problems that arenot recoverable by other methods, you may need toreinstall everything to return your system to its factorycondition. You can reinstall using either your harddrive or the recovery discs you have created.• If you can still run Windows OS, see “Recoveringfrom within Windows OS” on page 50.• If you cannot run Windows OS and your originalhard drive is still working, see “Recovering fromthe hard drive during startup” on page 51.• If you cannot run Windows OS and your originalhard drive has been completely re-formatted oryou have installed a replacement hard drive, see“Recovering from your recovery discs” onpage 51.Recovering from within Windows OSTo reinstall Windows OS and all pre-installedsoftware and drivers:1 Click (Start), All Programs, eMachines, then clickeMachines Recovery Management.eMachinesRecovery Management opens.2 Click the Restore tab, then click Restore system tofactory default. TheConfirm Restoration dialog boxopens.3 Click Yes, then click Start. A dialog box displaysinformation about the hard drive that theoperating system will be recovered to.CautionThis complete recovery deletes everything on your hard drive,then reinstalls Windows and all software and drivers that werepre-installed on your system. If you can access important files onyour hard drive, back them up now.CautionContinuing the process will erase all files on your harddrive.