Chapter 3: Troubleshooting48Creating recovery discsIf your computer experiences problems that are notrecoverable by other methods, you may need toreinstall the Windows operating system andfactory-loaded software and drivers. To reinstall usingdiscs, you must create the set of recovery discsbeforehand.To create recovery discs:1 Click (Start), All Programs, eMachines, then clickeMachines Recovery Management.eMachinesRecovery Management opens.2 To create recovery discs for the hard drive’s entireoriginal contents, including Windows OS and allfactory-loaded software and drivers, click Createfactory default disc.- OR -To create recovery discs for only thefactory-loaded software and drivers, click Createdriver and application backup disc.3 Insert a blank disc into the drive indicated in theBurn to list, then click Next. The first disc beginsrecording, and you can watch its progress on thescreen.When the disc finishes recording, the drive ejectsit.4 Remove the disc from the drive and mark it witha permanent marker.5 If multiple discs are required, insert a new discwhen prompted, then click OK. Continuerecording discs until the process is complete.ImportantWe recommend that you create each type of recoverydisc as soon as possible.ImportantWrite a unique, descriptive label on each disc, such as“Windows Recovery Disc 1 of 2.” or “Apps/Drivers Recoverydisc.”