Configuration Configuring the OpenCom 51091ExampleEnter: H*1830000*192*168*99*254#If required, initiate a system restart with this procedure:Trigger RestartH * 1 8 5 Z (system PIN) #Use the PIN you entered in the dialogue box for initial access. The factory setting is“0000”.8.2.9 Saving and Loading the ConfigurationConfigurations are saved in a file archive and can be loaded to the OpenCom 510either locally from a connected configuration PC, or by remote configuration.The following configuration and customer data can be saved and loaded again:■ Telephony and network parameters■ User data■ Telephone book entries■ LCR tablesFor further information, refer to the online help documentation under the topicSYS Configuration: Data backup.8.2.10 Receiving System Messages as E-MailImportant events and errors are kept by the OpenCom 510 in an internal log book:the error store. To inform or alert the system administrators, entries in the log book(system messages) can be sent via e-mail.In order not to notified of every error, the administrator can define correspondinglog filters (in the Configurator, the LOG Configuration: LOG Filter menu). Thesefilters define which errors (category, severity, number per time interval) should benotified. The e-mails always include an internal event or error number, as well as an