Configuring the PC Software Setting up NET CAPI185the item Options from the Edit menu. In the Lines tab you then select thesystem telephone from the Phone calls list.3. Enter a telephone number in the Number box and confirm with Dial. UnderWindows 2000/XP you first click on the Dial icon and in the subsequent dia-logue activate Phone call.4. The number you entered is displayed on the selected system telephone. Liftthe receiver to start dialling.Note: This note is not relevant to Windows 2000/XP. If the“Phone Dialer” program is not installed, you will have to in-stall it. To do this, you open the Control Panel and click onSoftware. In the Windows Setup tab you activate the Con-nections component.17.3 Setting up NET CAPIWith a CAPI driver (common application programming interface) Windows pro-grammes are able to access services and functions of an ISDN card. With anetwork-based CAPI, the OpenCom 510 allows the use of ISDN functions also byPCs in which no ISDN card is integrated.RequirementsYou require an active IP network connection between the PC and the telephonesystem.Please note: Before installing the CAPI driver for the OpenCom 510, anyexistent ISDN card must be removed and any CAPI drivers onyour PC must be de-installed.Installing the NET CAPI driver1. Call up the start mask from the product CD (see Configuring the PC Software onpage 181).2. Select Software: NET CAPI Driver from the start mask and follow the programinstructions.