Fish (steamed)TYPE OFDISHQuantity Shelf posi-tionTemperature[°C]Time [min]Whole fish 1 - 1.5 kg 1 or 2 210 - 220 40 - 609.7 DefrostingTYPE OFDISH [g] Defrostingtime [min]Further de-frosting time[min]NotesChicken 1000 100 - 140 20 - 30Place the chicken onan upturned saucerplaced on a largeplate. Turn halfwaythrough.Meat 1000 100 - 140 20 - 30 Turn halfway through.Meat 500 90 - 120 20 - 30 Turn halfway through.Trout 150 25 - 35 10 - 15 -Strawberries 300 30 - 40 10 - 20 -Butter 250 30 - 40 10 - 15 -Cream 2 x 200 80 - 100 10 - 15Cream can also bewhipped when stillslightly frozen in pla-ces.Gateau 1400 60 60 -9.8 Drying - True Fan CookingCover the oven shelves with bakingparchment.VEGETABLESTYPE OFDISHShelf position Temperature[°C] Time [hr]1 level 2 levelsBeans 3 1/4 60 - 70 6 - 8Peppers 3 1/4 60 - 70 5 - 6Vegetablesfor soup 3 1/4 60 - 70 5 - 6Mushrooms 3 1/4 50 - 60 6 - 8Herbs 3 1/4 40 - 50 2 - 316