– 58 –Fire Alarm System (cont’d)2. If the keypad does not indicate a READY condition after thesecond OFF sequence, press the READY key to display thezone(s) that are faulted. Be sure to check that smoke detectorsare not responding to smoke or heat producing objects in theirvicinity. Should this be the case, eliminate the source of heat orsmoke.3. If this does not remedy the problem, there may still be smoke inthe detector. Clear it by fanning the detector for about 30 seconds.4. When the problem has been corrected, clear the display byentering your code and pressing the OFF key.Fire Display LockIf several zones produce an alarm before any are silenced, the systemcan be programmed to lock the keypad display with the first zone thatproduced an alarm. Ask your installer if your system has beenactivated with this feature.To display the other zone(s), press the [*] key for each zone. Also the“A”, “B”, or “C” keys can be programmed to scroll the keypad displayto view the previous or subsequent fire alarms.Fire Drill Test (Code + # + 69)This test causes fire bells to be activated (in either steady or pulsingmanner as programmed in the system), for the purpose of conductinga fire drill or a bell test. This can only be activated by the installer ora master user from Partition 1 keypads as follows:1. Enter the corresponding security code and press [#} + 69 (makesure the burglary portion of the system is disarmed). Keypadswill display “FIRE DRILL ACTIVE” while the test is active.Technical Manuals Online! - http://www.tech-man.com