– 30 –Bypassing Protection ZonesUsing the 6 BYPASS KeyThis key is used when you want to arm your system with one or morezones intentionally unprotected. Bypassed zones are unprotected andwill not cause an alarm when violated while your system is armed. Allbypasses are removed when an OFF sequence (security code plusOFF) is performed. Bypasses are also removed if the armingprocedure that follows the bypass command is not successful.Note: The system will not allow fire or emergency zones to bebypassed.To bypass zones, the system must be disarmed first.BYPASS1. Enter your security code and press 6 .2. Enter zone number(s) for the zones to be bypassed (e.g., 001, 002,003, etc.).Important! All single-digit numbers must be preceded by “00” (forexample, enter 001 for zone 1).3. BYPASS 007 FRONTUPSTAIRS BEDROOMTypical bypass messageWhen finished, the keypad will display theword BYPASS along with each bypassedzone number. Wait for these zones to bedisplayed before arming. Arming thesystem before bypassed zones aredisplayed eliminates all bypasses.4. DISARMED BYPASSREADY TO ARMArm the system as usual when the keypaddisplays "ready" to arm message.Technical Manuals Online! - http://www.tech-man.com