– 4 –System OverviewGeneralCongratulations on your ownership of an Ademco Partitioned SecuritySystem. You've made a wise decision in choosing it, for it representsthe latest in security protection technology today. Ademco is theworld's largest manufacturer of security systems and millions ofpremises are protected by Ademco systems.This system offers you three forms of protection: burglary, fire andemergency. To realize the system's full potential, it is important thatyou feel comfortable in operating it. Your system consists of at leastone Keypad which provides full control of system operation, varioussensors which provide perimeter and interior burglary protection,plus a selected number of strategically placed smoke or combustiondetectors designed to provide early warning in case of fire.The system uses microcomputer technology to monitor all protectionzones and system status and provides appropriate information fordisplay on the Keypad(s) used with the system, and initiatesappropriate alarms. Your system may also have been programmed toautomatically transmit alarm or status messages over the phone linesto a central alarm monitoring station.A Partitioned SystemSimply stated, a partitioned system shares one physical alarm systemamong different users, each with their own requirements. For themost part, you as a user need not know about other users and theirstructure in the system, but from time to time, you may see displaymessages which indicate the system is in use by another user. Do notbe concerned, this is normal. Refer to the ACCESSING OTHERPARTITIONS section for additional information.Technical Manuals Online! - http://www.tech-man.com