Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2009 63Click Send test message to check if the settings are correct.• Do not send SNMP notifications – to disable sending the log events of the backup operations toSNMP managers. Fast incremental/differential backupThe option is effective in Windows and Linux operating systems and bootable media.This option is effective for incremental and differential disk-level backup.This option defines whether a file change is detected using the file size and time stamp or bycomparing the file contents to those stored in the archive.The preset is: Enabled.Incremental or differential backup captures only data changes. To speed up the backup process, theprogram determines whether a file has changed or not by the file size and the date/time when thefile was last modified. Disabling this feature will make the program compare the entire file contentsto those stored in the archive. Backup splittingThis option is effective for Windows and Linux operating systems and bootable media.The option defines how a backup can be split.The preset is: Automatic.The following settings are available.AutomaticWith this setting, Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 will act as follows.• When backing up to a hard disk:A single backup file will be created if the destination disk's file system allows the estimated filesize.The backup will automatically be split into several files if the destination disk's file system doesnot allow the estimated file size. Such might be the case when the backup is placed on FAT16 andFAT32 file systems that have a 4GB file size limit.If the destination disk runs out of free space while creating the backup, the task enters the Needinteraction state. You have the ability to free additional space and retry the operation. If you doso, the resulting backup will be split into the parts created before and after the retry.• When backing up to removable media (CD, DVD or a tape device locally attached to themanaged machine):The task will enter the Need interaction state and ask for a new media when the previous one isfull.