Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2009 47You can further override the settings set in the default backup and recovery options, when creating abackup plan or a recovery task. The settings you obtain in this case will be plan-specific or task-specific.The preset is: Disabled.To enable this option, select the Log events check box.Use the Types of events to log check box to filter the events to be logged in the Application EventLog of Windows:o All events - all events (information, warnings and errors)o Errors and warningso Errors only.To disable this option, clear the Log events check box. SNMP notificationsThis option is effective for both Windows and Linux operating systems.This option is not available when operating under the bootable media.The option defines whether the agent(s) operating on the managed machine have to send the logevents to the specified Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) managers. You can choose thetypes of events to be sent.You can override the settings set here, exclusively for the events that occur during backup or duringrecovery, in the Default backup and recovery options (p. 49). In this case, the settings set here will beeffective for operations other than backup and recovery, such as archive validation or cleanup.You can further override the settings set in the default backup and recovery options, when creating abackup plan or a recovery task. The settings you obtain in this case will be plan-specific or task-specific.Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 provides the following Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)objects to SNMP management applications: - string identifying the type of event (Information, Warning, Error) - string containing the text description of the event (it looks identical tomessages published by Acronis Backup & Recovery 10 in its log).The preset is: Disabled.To set up sending SNMP messages1. Select the Send messages to SNMP server check box.2. Specify the appropriate options as follows:o Types of events to send – choose the types of events: All events, Errors and warnings, orErrors only.o Server name/IP – type the name or IP address of the host running the SNMP managementapplication, the messages will be sent to.