4 Repair4.2.1. Performing a leak-down test3HAC026660-001 Revision: C108© Copyright 2006-2008 ABB. All rights reserved.4.2 General procedures4.2.1. Performing a leak-down testGeneralAfter refitting any motor and any gearbox, the integrity of all seals enclosing the gearbox oilmust be tested. This is done in a leak-down test.Required equipmentProcedureEquipment, etc. Art. no. NoteLeakdown tester 3HAC0207-1Leak detection spray -Action Note1. Finish the refitting procedure of the motor or gear inquestion.2. Remove the topmost oil plug on the gear in question,and replace it with the leakdown tester.Adapters may be required, which are included in theleakdown tester kit.Art. no. is specified above!3. Apply compressed air, and raise the pressure with theknob until the correct value is shown on themanometer.Recommended value:0.2 - 0.25 bar (20 - 25 kPa)4. Disconnect the compressed air supply.5. Wait for approx. 8-10 minutes. No pressure loss mustbe detected.If the compressed air is signifi-cantly colder or warmer than thegearbox to be tested, a slightpressure increase or decreaserespectively may occur. This isquite normal.6. Was any pressure drop evident?Localize the leak as detailed below.Remove the leakdown tester, and refit the oil plug.The test is complete.7. Spray suspected leak areas with leak detection spray.Bubbles indicate a leak.8. When the leak has been localized: take the necessarymeasures to correct the leak.