4.3. Point-to-Multipoint ConfigurationThe Point-to-Multipoint arrangement means a classical structure ofa distributed VoIP network with one or more SIP Proxy servers(VoIP gateways). The SIP Proxy is a software PBX version (or astandard PBX enhanced with VoIP services), which manages allsignalling in the VoIP network. In this mode you can use multiplesource terminals (e.g. VoIP telephones) and multiple destinationterminals (e.g. VoiceBlue Lite). An internal routing algorithm(LCR) of your SIP Proxy is used for routing calls to GSM andother networks. GSM calls may be routed through the VoiceBlueLite gateway. All signalling (SIP) is managed by the SIP Proxyand the subsequent voice stream is transmitted by the RTP in thePoint-to-Point mode.Fig. 17 – Point-to-Multipoint Configuration30