1.4. RF Radiation Safety PrecautionsIt is prohibited to use any transmitters, includingVoiceBlue Lite, in areas where explosives are used,such as quarries.It is forbidden to use mobile phones and thusVoiceBlue Lite too at refuelling points.A GSM gateway may affect sensitive life-savingdevices in medical centres. So it is prohibited to usemobile phones and thus VoiceBlue Lite here.In general, any restriction regarding mobile phonesbased on RF energy radiation applies to GSMgateways.Where necessary, VoiceBlue Lite may be installedat a safe distance (in the neighbouring building, e.g.)and an Ethernet cable may be carried from the GSMgateway to the original building.Although GSM gateways are not intended foraircraft or cars, all relevant restrictions andregulations regarding mobile phones apply to themhere.6