
Cisco TelePresence manuals

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Brand: Cisco | Category: Tablet
Table of contents
  1. keyboard layout
  2. sharing content
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Conference System
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. general description
  14. Using the Cisco TelePresence System Administration Interface
  15. System Status
  16. Device Status Indicators
  17. Cisco Unified Communications Manager Status
  18. Call Connection Status Network Bars
  19. Navigation
  20. Administration Window Header
  21. Accessing Online Help
  22. Accessing this Administration Guide From Online Help
  23. Device Information
  24. Device Information Fields
  25. Hardware/Software Versions
  26. System Information Details
  27. Detailed Status Information
  28. Time Since Last Update
  29. Where to Go Next
  30. Configuring the Cisco TelePresence System
  31. IP Settings
  32. Configuring a Static IP Address for Networks That Do Not Use DHCP
  33. Configuring a Static IP Address Using Command-Line Interface Commands
  34. Command Example
  35. Administrative VLAN ID
  36. Related Information
  37. SNMP Settings
  38. System Settings
  39. Troubleshooting Your Configuration
  40. Upgrading CTS Codec Firmware
  41. Managing Passwords
  42. Troubleshooting the CTS 500
  43. Managing Hardware Setup
  44. Managing Displays
  45. Selecting the Light Level
  46. Troubleshooting Displays
  47. Testing the CTS 500 Camera
  48. Troubleshooting Cameras
  49. Testing Speakers
  50. Troubleshooting Speakers
  51. Testing Microphones on the CTS 500
  52. Troubleshooting Microphones
  53. Testing the External Presentation Display
  54. Checking the Test Pattern
  55. Checking the VGA
  56. Troubleshooting Presentation Devices
  57. Testing Other Devices
  58. LEDs
  59. Digital Media Player
  60. Troubleshooting Other Devices
  61. Managing Log Files
  62. Log Files
  63. SIP Messages
  64. Generate Detailed Message Reports
  65. Navigating Long Lists
  66. Testing Audio
  67. Managing Configuration Issues
  68. Initiating System Restart
  69. Troubleshooting Network Cabling
  70. Troubleshooting the CTS 1000
  71. Adjusting Your Display
  72. Testing Cameras
  73. Understanding Camera Setup Choices for Room Lighting
  74. Testing the Speakers
  75. Testing Microphones
  76. Testing Presentation Devices
  77. Checking the Document Camera
  78. Auxiliary Control Unit
  79. Sysop Log
  80. Related SIP Messages
  81. Testing the Network Connection
  82. Troubleshooting Video Quality Settings
  83. Troubleshooting the CTS 1100
  84. Testing the CTS 1100 Camera
  85. Testing Microphones on the CTS 1100
  86. Resetting the Projector
  87. CTS 1100 Light
  88. Troubleshooting the CTS 1300
  89. Configuring the CTS 1300 Table
  90. Testing the CTS 1300 Cameras
  91. Testing Microphones on the CTS 1300
  92. Verifying CTS 1300 Light Function
  93. Troubleshooting the CTS 3000 and CTS 3200
  94. Testing the CTS 3000 and CTS 3200 Cameras
  95. Testing Microphones on the CTS 3000
  96. Testing Microphones on the CTS 3200
  97. Testing the Projector
  98. Important Notes About Presentation Displays
  99. Troubleshooting the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210
  100. Testing the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210 Cameras
  101. Adjusting the Zoom
  102. Focusing the Camera
  103. Attaching the Camera Hood Assembly
  104. Testing Microphones on the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210
  105. Monitoring the Cisco TelePresence System
  106. Call Statistics
  107. Network Statistics
  108. Satellite Licenses for the Cisco TelePresence System
  109. Supported CTS Devices
  110. Ordering a Satellite License
  111. Identifying the CTS Satellite Endpoints
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Other
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. The Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server
  2. Cisco VCS base applications
  3. Standard features
  4. Optional features
  5. What's new in this version
  6. Far end camera control interworking
  7. Using this guide
  8. Using the Cisco VCS
  9. Page features and layout
  10. Command line interface (CLI)
  11. overview page
  12. Status
  13. IP status
  14. Registrations by device
  15. Registration history
  16. Calls
  17. Searches
  18. Local Zone
  19. Links
  20. TURN relays
  21. OCS Relay
  22. Warnings
  23. Event Log
  24. Configuration Log
  25. system configuration
  26. System administration
  27. About IP protocols
  28. Quality of Service (QoS)
  29. Time
  30. SNMP
  31. Logging
  32. H.323
  33. Configuring H.323
  34. SIP overview
  35. Configuring SIP
  36. Interworking
  37. Registration control
  38. Finding a Cisco VCS with which to register
  39. Device authentication
  40. Device authentication using LDAP
  41. Authentication using a local database
  42. Registering aliases
  43. Allow and Deny Lists
  44. Using the Allow and Deny Lists
  45. zones and neighbors
  46. Local Zone and subzones
  47. Traversal Subzone
  48. Zones
  49. ENUM zone
  50. Zone configuration
  51. Configuring zones
  52. Configuring traversal client zones
  53. Configuring traversal server zones
  54. Configuring ENUM zones
  55. Zone configuration: advanced settings
  56. Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
  57. Dial plans
  58. clustering and peers
  59. Clustering overview
  60. Cluster configuration
  61. Which configuration is not replicated
  62. Managing clusters and peers
  63. Clustering and FindMe
  64. Cluster Subzone
  65. call processing
  66. Search process
  67. Dialing by address types
  68. Hop counts
  69. Searches and transforms
  70. Pre-search transforms
  71. Configuring pre-search transforms
  72. Search configuration
  73. Zone searching and zone transforms
  74. Examples
  75. Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
  76. Combining match types and priorities
  77. Filter queries to a zone without transforming
  78. Query a zone for original and transformed alias
  79. Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
  80. Call Policy
  81. Enabling Call Policy
  82. Viewing existing CPL script
  83. Routing calls via the Cisco AM GW
  84. Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
  85. URI dialing
  86. URI resolution process using DNS
  87. URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
  88. URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
  89. Example DNS record configuration
  90. ENUM dialing
  91. ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
  92. Adding and configuring ENUM zones
  93. ENUM dialing for incoming calls
  94. Call configuration
  95. Call IDs, Serial Numbers and Tags
  96. Disconnecting calls
  97. bandwidth control
  98. Bandwidth control on the VCS
  99. Subzones
  100. Configuring subzones and membership rules
  101. Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
  102. Creating and editing links
  103. Pipes
  104. Applying pipes to links
  105. Default bandwidth and downspeeding
  106. Bandwidth control examples
  107. Example with a firewall
  108. firewall traversal
  109. Cisco VCS as a firewall traversal client
  110. Quick guide to traversal client - server configuration
  111. Firewall traversal protocols and ports
  112. Ports for initial connections from traversal clients
  113. Firewall traversal and authentication
  114. Other issues
  115. Configuring the Cisco VCS as a traversal server
  116. Configuring traversal server ports
  117. Configuring the Cisco VCS as a TURN server
  118. Applications Conference Factory
  119. Presence
  120. Presence User Agent (PUA)
  121. Configuring Presence
  122. Viewing presence status
  123. Configuring OCS Relay
  124. Overview
  125. Enabling FindMe on the Cisco VCS
  126. About FindMe
  127. Configuring your FindMe user account
  128. Defining device details
  129. Defining location details
  130. Provisioning (Starter Pack)
  131. TMS Agent
  132. VCS software components
  133. Upgrade procedure
  134. Option keys
  135. Enabling security
  136. Advanced account security
  137. Login accounts
  138. Administrator accounts
  139. Maintaining user accounts
  140. Managing user accounts
  141. Administrator and user groups
  142. Account authentication using LDAP
  143. Root account
  144. System administration access
  145. Backup and restore
  146. System snapshot
  147. Incident reporting
  148. Viewing incident reports
  149. Tools
  150. Port usage
  151. Restarting, rebooting and shutting down
  152. Restoring default configuration
  153. Configuration items reset by DefaultValuesSet level 2
  154. Password encryption
  155. CPL reference
  156. field
  157. subfield
  158. location
  159. proxy
  160. CPL examples
  161. Call screening based on domain
  162. Allow calls from locally registered endpoints only
  163. Restricting access to a local gateway
  164. Redirecting failed calls based on status code
  165. Reject attempts to subscribe to a presentity
  166. Regular expression reference
  167. Pattern variable reference
  168. Port reference
  169. DNS configuration
  170. LDAP configuration for device authentication
  171. Adding H.350 objects
  172. OpenLDAP
  173. Securing with TLS
  174. Command reference - xConfiguration
  175. Command reference - xCommand
  176. Command reference - xStatus
  177. Bibliography
  178. Glossary
  179. Legal notices
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
  12. VCS base applications
  13. Optional features
  14. device provisioning
  15. Installation and initial configuration
  16. About this guide
  17. Using the web interface
  18. Using the command line interface (CLI)
  19. Web page features and layout
  20. What's new in this version
  21. Network and system settings
  22. Network settings
  23. lan configuration
  24. Configuring Ethernet settings
  25. Configuring DNS settings
  26. Configuring Quality of Service settings
  27. Intrusion protection
  28. Current active firewall rules
  29. additional information
  30. Network services
  31. Configuring SNMP settings
  32. Configuring time settings
  33. Configuring the Login page
  34. Configuring external manager settings
  35. Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
  36. Firewall traversal
  37. About firewall traversal
  38. Endpoint traversal technology requirements
  39. Firewall traversal configuration overview
  40. vcs as a firewall traversal server
  41. Configuring a traversal client and server
  42. Configuring ports for firewall traversal
  43. Configuring ports for connections from traversal clients
  44. Firewall traversal and authentication
  45. Configuring Expressway and traversal endpoint communications
  46. About ICE and TURN services
  47. Configuring TURN services
  48. Unified Communications
  49. Mobile and remote access
  50. Jabber client connectivity without VPN
  51. Configuring mobile and remote access on VCS
  52. Setting up the VCS Expressway
  53. Setting up secure VCS traversal zones
  54. Checking the status of Unified Communications services
  55. Protocols
  56. About H.323
  57. Configuring H.323
  58. About SIP
  59. VCS as a SIP proxy server
  60. Proxying registration requests
  61. Configuring SIP
  62. Registration controls
  63. Authentication controls
  64. Configuring domains
  65. Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
  66. Registration control
  67. About registrations
  68. MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
  69. About Allow and Deny Lists
  70. Configuring the registration Deny List
  71. Configuring Registration Policy to use an external service
  72. Device authentication
  73. About device authentication
  74. Configuring VCS authentication policy
  75. Controlling system behavior for authenticated and non-authenticated devices
  76. Authentication policy configuration options
  77. SIP authentication trust
  78. Configuring delegated credential checking (SIP only)
  79. Device provisioning and authentication policy
  80. Presence and authentication policy
  81. Hierarchical dial plans and authentication policy
  82. Practical configuration of authentication policy
  83. authentication mechanism
  84. Configuring authentication to use the local database
  85. Using an H.350 directory service lookup via LDAP
  86. Using Active Directory database (direct)
  87. Configuring the connection to Active Directory Service (ADS)
  88. Authenticating with external systems
  89. Zones and neighbors
  90. About your video communications network
  91. Structuring your dial plan
  92. About zones
  93. Configuring media encryption policy
  94. Configuring the B2BUA for media encryption
  95. Configuring ICE messaging support
  96. About the Local Zone and subzones
  97. The Default Zone
  98. Configuring Default Zone access rules
  99. Configuring zones
  100. Configuring traversal client zones
  101. Configuring traversal server zones
  102. Configuring ENUM zones
  103. Configuring DNS zones
  104. Zone configuration: advanced settings
  105. Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
  106. TLS certificate verification of neighbor systems
  107. Configuring a zone for incoming calls only
  108. Clustering and peers
  109. About clusters
  110. License usage within a cluster
  111. Managing clusters and peers
  112. Maintaining a cluster
  113. Specifying peer-specific items in clustered systems
  114. Sharing registrations across peers
  115. Cluster upgrades, backup and restore
  116. About the Cluster Subzone
  117. Neighboring the local VCS to another VCS cluster
  118. Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
  119. Dial plan and call processing
  120. Call routing process
  121. Configuring hop counts
  122. Configuring dial plan settings
  123. About transforms and search rules
  124. Configuring pre-search transforms
  125. Search and zone transform process
  126. Configuring search rules
  127. Example searches and transforms
  128. Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
  129. Query a zone for original and transformed alias
  130. Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
  131. Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
  132. Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
  133. Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
  134. Configuring search rules to use an external service
  135. About Call Policy
  136. Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
  137. Configuring Call Policy to use an external service
  138. Supported address formats
  139. Dialing by ENUM
  140. Dialing by IP address
  141. About URI dialing
  142. URI dialing via DNS
  143. URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
  144. URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
  145. configuring sip srv records
  146. URI dialing and firewall traversal
  147. About ENUM dialing
  148. ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
  149. Configuring zones and search rules for ENUM dialing
  150. ENUM dialing for incoming calls
  151. Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
  152. Configuring call routing and signaling
  153. Identifying calls
  154. Disconnecting calls
  155. Bandwidth control
  156. About bandwidth control
  157. Configuring bandwidth controls
  158. About subzones
  159. Configuring the Default Subzone
  160. Configuring subzone membership rules
  161. Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
  162. Links and pipes
  163. Configuring pipes
  164. Applying pipes to links
  165. Bandwidth control examples
  166. Applications
  167. Configuring Conference Factory
  168. Presence
  169. Presence User Agent (PUA)
  170. Configuring Presence
  171. presence server
  172. B2BUA (back-to-back user agent) overview
  173. Microsoft Lync B2BUA
  174. configuring transcoder policy rules
  175. configuring b2bua transcoders
  176. restarting the b2bua service
  177. End-user FindMe account configuration
  178. FindMe process overview
  179. Cisco TMS provisioning
  180. VCS Provisioning Server
  181. Starter Pack provisioning
  182. User accounts
  183. About user accounts
  184. Configuring password security
  185. Configuring administrator accounts
  186. Viewing active administrator sessions
  187. Configuring remote account authentication using LDAP
  188. Checking the LDAP server connection status
  189. Configuring administrator groups
  190. Configuring FindMe groups
  191. Configuring FindMe accounts
  192. Configuring a FindMe account's principal devices
  193. Resetting forgotten passwords
  194. Using the root account
  195. Maintenance
  196. Enabling maintenance mode
  197. About upgrading software components
  198. Upgrading VCS software
  199. Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
  200. Configuring logging
  201. Managing option keys
  202. About security certificates
  203. Managing the VCS's server certificate
  204. Managing certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
  205. Configuring certificate-based authentication
  206. Testing client certificates
  207. Advanced security
  208. Configuring FIPS140-2 cryptographic mode
  209. Configuring language settings
  210. Removing language packs
  211. Backing up and restoring VCS data
  212. Restoring a previous backup
  213. Diagnostics tools
  214. Creating a system snapshot
  215. Configuring Support Log levels
  216. Incident reporting
  217. Sending incident reports manually
  218. Incident report details
  219. Checking the effect of a pattern
  220. Locating an alias
  221. Port usage
  222. Remote listening ports
  223. Network utilities
  224. Tracepath
  225. Restarting, rebooting and shutting down
  226. Developer resources
  227. Overview and status information
  228. Status overview
  229. System information
  230. Ethernet status
  231. IP status
  232. Resource usage
  233. Registration status
  234. Call status
  235. B2BUA calls
  236. Search history
  237. Search details
  238. Local Zone status
  239. Zone status
  240. Bandwidth
  241. Policy server status and resiliency
  242. TURN relays status
  243. Unified Communications status
  244. Presence subscribers
  245. Lync B2BUA
  246. TMS Provisioning Extension service status
  247. User records provided by Cisco TMSPE services
  248. FindMe records provided by Cisco TMSPE services
  249. Provisioned devices
  250. Starter Pack Provisioning Server status
  251. Managing alarms
  252. Logs
  253. Configuration Log
  254. Network Log
  255. Hardware status
  256. Reference material
  257. Performance capabilities
  258. About Event Log levels
  259. Administrator and FindMe user events
  260. Events and levels
  261. CPL reference
  262. otherwise
  263. rule-switch
  264. proxy
  265. CPL examples
  266. LDAP server configuration for device authentication
  267. securing with tls
  268. Configuring an OpenLDAP server
  269. DNS configuration examples
  270. Changing the default SSH key
  271. Restoring default configuration (factory reset)
  272. Password encryption
  273. Pattern matching variables
  274. Port reference
  275. Unified Communications port reference
  276. Microsoft Lync B2BUA port reference
  277. Device authentication port reference
  278. Regular expressions
  279. Supported characters
  280. Call types and licensing
  281. Alarms
  282. command reference — xconfiguration
  283. command reference — xcommand
  284. command reference — xstatus
  285. External policy overview
  286. External policy request parameters
  287. Default CPL for policy services
  288. Flash status word reference table
  289. Supported RFCs
  290. Software version history
  291. X7.1
  292. Related documentation
  293. Legal notices
  294. Patent information
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Introduction
  11. About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
  12. Standard features
  13. Optional features
  14. Installation and initial configuration
  15. About this guide
  16. Using the web interface
  17. Using the command line interface (CLI)
  18. Web page features and layout
  19. What's new in this version
  20. Overview and status information
  21. Status overview
  22. System information
  23. Ethernet status
  24. IP status
  25. Resource usage
  26. Active sessions
  27. Registration status
  28. Registrations by alias
  29. Registration details
  30. Call status
  31. Call history
  32. Call summary
  33. Search history
  34. Search details
  35. Local Zone status
  36. Zone status
  37. Bandwidth
  38. Policy service status
  39. TURN relays status
  40. Presence
  41. Presence subscribers
  42. OCS Relay status
  43. OCS/Lync B2BUA
  44. TMS Provisioning Extension service status
  45. starter pack
  46. FindMe records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
  47. Phone book records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
  48. Alarms
  49. Logs
  50. Configuration Log
  51. Network Log
  52. Hardware status
  53. Network and system settings
  54. Network settings
  55. lan configuration
  56. Configuring Ethernet settings
  57. Configuring Quality of Service settings
  58. Network services
  59. vcs unit front panel
  60. Configuring SNMP settings
  61. Time
  62. Other settings
  63. Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
  64. Configuring logging levels
  65. remote logging
  66. Protocols
  67. About H.323
  68. About SIP
  69. VCS as a SIP proxy server
  70. VCS as a SIP Presence Server
  71. Configuring SIP domains
  72. Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
  73. Registration control
  74. About registrations
  75. MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
  76. Registering aliases
  77. attempts to register using an existing alias
  78. About Allow and Deny Lists
  79. Configuring the registration Deny List
  80. Device authentication
  81. About device authentication
  82. Authentication mechanism
  83. Authentication Policy configuration options
  84. Subzone-level Authentication Policy
  85. SIP authentication trust
  86. Device authentication configuration
  87. Device authentication using LDAP
  88. Device LDAP schemas
  89. Authentication using a local database
  90. Authentication using Active Directory Service
  91. Active Directory Service (ADS) configuration
  92. Authenticating with external systems
  93. Zones and neighbors
  94. About your video communications network
  95. Structuring your dial plan
  96. About the Local Zone and subzones
  97. About zones
  98. Zone configuration
  99. Configuring traversal client zones
  100. Configuring traversal server zones
  101. Configuring ENUM zones
  102. Configuring DNS zones
  103. Zone configuration: advanced settings
  104. Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
  105. Configuring a zone for incoming calls only
  106. Clustering and peers
  107. About clusters
  108. Resource usage within a cluster
  109. Managing clusters and peers
  110. adding and removing peers from a cluster
  111. Peer-specific configuration
  112. Sharing registrations across peers
  113. Cluster upgrades and downgrades
  114. Clustering and Presence
  115. About the Cluster Subzone
  116. TMS Agent replication status
  117. Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
  118. Dial plan and call processing
  119. Call routing process
  120. About the VCS's directory service
  121. About hop counts
  122. Dial plan configuration
  123. About transforms and search rules
  124. About pre-search transforms
  125. Search and zone transform process
  126. Configuring search rules
  127. Example searches and transforms
  128. Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
  129. Query a zone for original and transformed alias
  130. Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
  131. Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
  132. Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
  133. Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
  134. Configuring policy services
  135. About Call Policy
  136. Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
  137. viewing existing cpl script
  138. Configuring VCS to use the Cisco TelePresence Advanced Media Gateway
  139. Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
  140. Dialable address formats
  141. Dialing by ENUM
  142. IP dialing
  143. recommended configuration for firewall traversal
  144. About URI dialing
  145. URI dialing via DNS
  146. URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
  147. URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
  148. incoming call process
  149. call srv records
  150. URI dialing and firewall traversal
  151. About ENUM dialing
  152. ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
  153. Zone configuration for ENUM dialing
  154. configuring matches for enum zones
  155. ENUM dialing for incoming calls
  156. Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
  157. Call signaling configuration
  158. Identifying calls
  159. Disconnecting calls
  160. Bandwidth control
  161. About bandwidth control
  162. Bandwidth configuration
  163. About subzones
  164. About the Default Subzone
  165. Configuring subzone membership rules
  166. Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
  167. how different bandwidth limitations are managed
  168. Links and pipes
  169. Configuring pipes
  170. Applying pipes to links
  171. Bandwidth control examples
  172. Firewall traversal
  173. About firewall traversal
  174. VCS as a firewall traversal server
  175. Configuring a traversal client and server
  176. Firewall traversal protocols and ports
  177. Ports for initial connections from traversal clients
  178. TURN ports
  179. Firewall traversal and authentication
  180. Authentication and NTP
  181. Firewall traversal and Dual Network Interfaces
  182. Firewall configuration
  183. Configuring traversal server ports
  184. About ICE and TURN services
  185. Configuring TURN services
  186. Applications
  187. Conference Factory
  188. Presence User Agent (PUA)
  189. Configuring Presence
  190. presence server
  191. OCS Relay
  192. Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA (back-to-back user agent)
  193. Configuring the Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA
  194. Configuring the B2BUA's trusted hosts
  195. Configuring transcoder policy rules
  196. Configuring B2BUA transcoders
  197. Restarting the B2BUA service
  198. User (FindMe) account configuration
  199. FindMe process overview
  200. Searching for FindMe users
  201. TMS provisioning
  202. VCS Provisioning Server
  203. Starter Pack provisioning
  204. Maintenance
  205. About upgrading software components
  206. Upgrading and option keys
  207. Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
  208. Option keys
  209. Adding option keys using the web interface
  210. About security certificates
  211. CRL management
  212. Certificate-based authentication configuration
  213. Client certificate testing
  214. Advanced account security
  215. Configuring language settings
  216. About login accounts
  217. Root accounts
  218. Login history
  219. Resetting an administrator or root password
  220. Configuring administrator accounts
  221. Password security
  222. Configuring administrator groups
  223. Configuring a user's principal devices
  224. Backing up and restoring VCS data
  225. Restoring a previous backup
  226. Diagnostics tools
  227. Creating a system snapshot
  228. Configuring Network Log levels
  229. Incident reporting
  230. Sending incident reports manually
  231. Incident report details
  232. Checking the effect of a pattern
  233. Locating an alias
  234. Port usage
  235. Remote listening ports
  236. Network utilities
  237. DNS lookup
  238. Restarting
  239. Rebooting
  240. Shutting down
  241. Developer resources
  242. Reference material
  243. Software version history
  244. X6.1
  245. X5.2
  246. X5.1
  247. About Event Log levels
  248. Message details field
  249. Events and levels
  250. CPL reference
  251. otherwise
  252. rule-switch
  253. reject
  254. CPL examples
  255. LDAP configuration for device authentication
  256. Configuring an OpenLDAP server
  257. securing with tls
  258. DNS configuration examples
  259. Changing the default SSH key
  260. Restoring default configuration
  261. Configuration items reset by DefaultValuesSet level 2
  262. Password encryption
  263. Pattern matching variables
  264. Port reference
  265. Regular expressions
  266. Supported characters
  267. TMS Agent (legacy)
  268. Device Provisioning
  269. TMS Agent passwords
  270. What are traversal calls
  271. Alarms list
  272. xConfiguration commands
  273. xCommand commands
  274. xStatus elements
  275. About policy services
  276. Policy service responses
  277. Flash status word reference table
  278. Bibliography
  279. Glossary
  280. Legal notices
TelePresence first page preview


Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Introduction
  10. About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
  11. VCS base applications
  12. Standard features
  13. Optional features
  14. Installation and initial configuration
  15. About this guide
  16. Using the web interface
  17. Using the command line interface (CLI)
  18. Web page features and layout
  19. What's new in this version
  20. System security enhancements
  21. Enhanced diagnostics
  22. Overview and status information
  23. Status overview
  24. System information
  25. Ethernet status
  26. IP status
  27. Resource usage
  28. Active sessions
  29. Registration status
  30. Call status
  31. Disconnecting calls
  32. Search history
  33. Search details
  34. Local Zone status
  35. Zone status
  36. Bandwidth
  37. Policy service status
  38. TURN relays status
  39. Presence
  40. Presence subscribers
  41. OCS Relay status
  42. OCS/Lync B2BUA
  43. TMS Provisioning Extension service status
  44. user records provided by tms provisioning extension services
  45. FindMe records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
  46. Provisioned devices
  47. Alarms
  48. Logs
  49. Configuration Log
  50. Network Log
  51. Hardware status
  52. Network and system settings
  53. Network settings
  54. lan configuration
  55. Configuring Ethernet settings
  56. Configuring Quality of Service settings
  57. current active firewall rules
  58. Network services
  59. Configuring SNMP settings
  60. Configuring time settings
  61. Other settings
  62. Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
  63. Protocols
  64. About H.323
  65. About SIP
  66. VCS as a SIP proxy server
  67. Proxying registration requests
  68. Configuring SIP domains
  69. Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
  70. Registration control
  71. About registrations
  72. MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
  73. Registering aliases
  74. About Allow and Deny Lists
  75. Configuring the registration Deny List
  76. Device authentication
  77. About device authentication
  78. Configuring VCS authentication policy
  79. Controlling system behavior for authenticated and non-authenticated devices
  80. Authentication policy configuration options
  81. SIP authentication trust
  82. Device provisioning and authentication policy
  83. Presence and authentication policy
  84. Hierarchical dial plans and authentication policy
  85. Practical configuration of authentication policy
  86. Configuring VCS authentication methods
  87. Authentication using the local database
  88. starter pack
  89. Using an H.350 directory service lookup via LDAP
  90. Device authentication H.350 schemas
  91. configuration prerequisites
  92. Active Directory Service (ADS) configuration
  93. Authenticating with external systems
  94. Zones and neighbors
  95. About your video communications network
  96. Structuring your dial plan
  97. About the Local Zone and subzones
  98. About zones
  99. About the Default Zone
  100. Configuring Default Zone access rules
  101. Media encryption policy
  102. Zone configuration
  103. Configuring traversal client zones
  104. Configuring traversal server zones
  105. Configuring ENUM zones
  106. Zone configuration: advanced settings
  107. Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
  108. TLS certificate verification of neighbor systems
  109. Clustering and peers
  110. About clusters
  111. Resource usage within a cluster
  112. Managing clusters and peers
  113. adding and removing peers from a cluster
  114. Peer-specific configuration
  115. Sharing registrations across peers
  116. Cluster upgrades, backup and restore
  117. Clustering and Presence
  118. Neighboring the local VCS to another VCS cluster
  119. TMS Agent replication status
  120. Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
  121. Dial plan and call processing
  122. Call routing process
  123. About the VCS's directory service
  124. About hop counts
  125. Dial plan configuration
  126. About transforms and search rules
  127. About pre-search transforms
  128. Search and zone transform process
  129. Example searches and transforms
  130. Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
  131. Query a zone for original and transformed alias
  132. Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
  133. Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
  134. Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
  135. Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
  136. Configuring policy services
  137. About Call Policy
  138. Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
  139. Configuring VCS to use the Cisco TelePresence Advanced Media Gateway
  140. Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
  141. Dialable address formats
  142. Dialing by ENUM
  143. IP dialing
  144. About URI dialing
  145. URI dialing via DNS
  146. URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
  147. URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
  148. configuring sip srv records
  149. example dns record configuration
  150. URI dialing and firewall traversal
  151. About ENUM dialing
  152. ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
  153. Zone configuration for ENUM dialing
  154. ENUM dialing for incoming calls
  155. Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
  156. Call signaling configuration
  157. Identifying calls
  158. Bandwidth control
  159. About bandwidth control
  160. Bandwidth configuration
  161. About subzones
  162. About the Default Subzone
  163. Configuring subzone membership rules
  164. Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
  165. Links and pipes
  166. Configuring pipes
  167. Applying pipes to links
  168. Bandwidth control examples
  169. Firewall traversal
  170. About firewall traversal
  171. Configuring VCSs for firewall traversal
  172. Configuring a traversal client and server
  173. Firewall traversal protocols and ports
  174. Firewall traversal and authentication
  175. Authentication and NTP
  176. Firewall configuration
  177. Configuring traversal server ports
  178. About ICE and TURN services
  179. Configuring TURN services
  180. Applications
  181. Conference Factory
  182. Presence User Agent (PUA)
  183. Configuring Presence
  184. presence server
  185. OCS Relay
  186. Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA (back-to-back user agent)
  187. Configuring the Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA
  188. Configuring the B2BUA's trusted hosts
  189. Configuring transcoder policy rules
  190. Configuring B2BUA transcoders
  191. Restarting the B2BUA service
  192. User (FindMe) account configuration
  193. FindMe process overview
  194. Searching for FindMe users
  195. TMS provisioning
  196. VCS Provisioning Server
  197. Starter Pack provisioning
  198. Maintenance
  199. About upgrading software components
  200. Upgrade procedure
  201. Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
  202. Logging configuration
  203. Option keys
  204. About security certificates
  205. Managing the VCS's server certificate
  206. CRL management
  207. Certificate-based authentication configuration
  208. Client certificate testing
  209. Advanced account security
  210. Configuring language settings
  211. About login accounts
  212. Configuring login account authentication
  213. Configuring remote account authentication using LDAP
  214. Password security
  215. Configuring administrator accounts
  216. Configuring administrator groups
  217. Configuring user accounts
  218. Configuring a user's principal devices
  219. Configuring user groups
  220. Root account
  221. Backing up and restoring VCS data
  222. Restoring a previous backup
  223. Diagnostics tools
  224. Creating a system snapshot
  225. Configuring Network Log levels
  226. Incident reporting
  227. Sending incident reports manually
  228. Incident report details
  229. Checking the effect of a pattern
  230. Locating an alias
  231. Port usage
  232. Remote listening ports
  233. Network utilities
  234. Tracepath
  235. Restarting
  236. Rebooting
  237. Shutting down
  238. Developer resources
  239. Reference material
  240. Software version history
  241. X6.1
  242. X5.2
  243. X5.1
  244. About Event Log levels
  245. Message details field
  246. Events and levels
  247. CPL reference
  248. otherwise
  249. rule-switch
  250. reject
  251. CPL examples
  252. LDAP server configuration for device authentication
  253. Configuring an OpenLDAP server
  254. securing with tls
  255. DNS configuration examples
  256. Changing the default SSH key
  257. Restoring default configuration
  258. Pattern matching variables
  259. Port reference
  260. Regular expressions
  261. Supported characters
  262. TMS Agent (legacy)
  263. TMS Agent passwords
  264. What are traversal calls
  265. command reference — xconfiguration
  266. command reference — xcommand
  267. command reference — xstatus
  268. About policy services
  269. Flash status word reference table
  270. Bibliography
  271. Glossary
  272. Accessibility notice
  273. Legal notices
  274. Patent information
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Brand: Cisco | Category: Server
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