Cisco TelePresence manuals
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- general description
- Using the Cisco TelePresence System Administration Interface
- System Status
- Device Status Indicators
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager Status
- Call Connection Status Network Bars
- Navigation
- Administration Window Header
- Accessing Online Help
- Accessing this Administration Guide From Online Help
- Device Information
- Device Information Fields
- Hardware/Software Versions
- System Information Details
- Detailed Status Information
- Time Since Last Update
- Where to Go Next
- Configuring the Cisco TelePresence System
- IP Settings
- Configuring a Static IP Address for Networks That Do Not Use DHCP
- Configuring a Static IP Address Using Command-Line Interface Commands
- Command Example
- Administrative VLAN ID
- Related Information
- SNMP Settings
- System Settings
- Troubleshooting Your Configuration
- Upgrading CTS Codec Firmware
- Managing Passwords
- Troubleshooting the CTS 500
- Managing Hardware Setup
- Managing Displays
- Selecting the Light Level
- Troubleshooting Displays
- Testing the CTS 500 Camera
- Troubleshooting Cameras
- Testing Speakers
- Troubleshooting Speakers
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 500
- Troubleshooting Microphones
- Testing the External Presentation Display
- Checking the Test Pattern
- Checking the VGA
- Troubleshooting Presentation Devices
- Testing Other Devices
- LEDs
- Digital Media Player
- Troubleshooting Other Devices
- Managing Log Files
- Log Files
- SIP Messages
- Generate Detailed Message Reports
- Navigating Long Lists
- Testing Audio
- Managing Configuration Issues
- Initiating System Restart
- Troubleshooting Network Cabling
- Troubleshooting the CTS 1000
- Adjusting Your Display
- Testing Cameras
- Understanding Camera Setup Choices for Room Lighting
- Testing the Speakers
- Testing Microphones
- Testing Presentation Devices
- Checking the Document Camera
- Auxiliary Control Unit
- Sysop Log
- Related SIP Messages
- Testing the Network Connection
- Troubleshooting Video Quality Settings
- Troubleshooting the CTS 1100
- Testing the CTS 1100 Camera
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 1100
- Resetting the Projector
- CTS 1100 Light
- Troubleshooting the CTS 1300
- Configuring the CTS 1300 Table
- Testing the CTS 1300 Cameras
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 1300
- Verifying CTS 1300 Light Function
- Troubleshooting the CTS 3000 and CTS 3200
- Testing the CTS 3000 and CTS 3200 Cameras
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 3000
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 3200
- Testing the Projector
- Important Notes About Presentation Displays
- Troubleshooting the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210
- Testing the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210 Cameras
- Adjusting the Zoom
- Focusing the Camera
- Attaching the Camera Hood Assembly
- Testing Microphones on the CTS 3010 and CTS 3210
- Monitoring the Cisco TelePresence System
- Call Statistics
- Network Statistics
- Satellite Licenses for the Cisco TelePresence System
- Supported CTS Devices
- Ordering a Satellite License
- Identifying the CTS Satellite Endpoints
Table of contents
- The Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server
- Cisco VCS base applications
- Standard features
- Optional features
- What's new in this version
- Far end camera control interworking
- Using this guide
- Using the Cisco VCS
- Page features and layout
- Command line interface (CLI)
- overview page
- Status
- IP status
- Registrations by device
- Registration history
- Calls
- Searches
- Local Zone
- Links
- TURN relays
- OCS Relay
- Warnings
- Event Log
- Configuration Log
- system configuration
- System administration
- About IP protocols
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Time
- Logging
- H.323
- Configuring H.323
- SIP overview
- Configuring SIP
- Interworking
- Registration control
- Finding a Cisco VCS with which to register
- Device authentication
- Device authentication using LDAP
- Authentication using a local database
- Registering aliases
- Allow and Deny Lists
- Using the Allow and Deny Lists
- zones and neighbors
- Local Zone and subzones
- Traversal Subzone
- Zones
- ENUM zone
- Zone configuration
- Configuring zones
- Configuring traversal client zones
- Configuring traversal server zones
- Configuring ENUM zones
- Zone configuration: advanced settings
- Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
- Dial plans
- clustering and peers
- Clustering overview
- Cluster configuration
- Which configuration is not replicated
- Managing clusters and peers
- Clustering and FindMe
- Cluster Subzone
- call processing
- Search process
- Dialing by address types
- Hop counts
- Searches and transforms
- Pre-search transforms
- Configuring pre-search transforms
- Search configuration
- Zone searching and zone transforms
- Examples
- Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
- Combining match types and priorities
- Filter queries to a zone without transforming
- Query a zone for original and transformed alias
- Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
- Call Policy
- Enabling Call Policy
- Viewing existing CPL script
- Routing calls via the Cisco AM GW
- Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
- URI dialing
- URI resolution process using DNS
- URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
- URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
- Example DNS record configuration
- ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
- Adding and configuring ENUM zones
- ENUM dialing for incoming calls
- Call configuration
- Call IDs, Serial Numbers and Tags
- Disconnecting calls
- bandwidth control
- Bandwidth control on the VCS
- Subzones
- Configuring subzones and membership rules
- Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
- Creating and editing links
- Pipes
- Applying pipes to links
- Default bandwidth and downspeeding
- Bandwidth control examples
- Example with a firewall
- firewall traversal
- Cisco VCS as a firewall traversal client
- Quick guide to traversal client - server configuration
- Firewall traversal protocols and ports
- Ports for initial connections from traversal clients
- Firewall traversal and authentication
- Other issues
- Configuring the Cisco VCS as a traversal server
- Configuring traversal server ports
- Configuring the Cisco VCS as a TURN server
- Applications Conference Factory
- Presence
- Presence User Agent (PUA)
- Configuring Presence
- Viewing presence status
- Configuring OCS Relay
- Overview
- Enabling FindMe on the Cisco VCS
- About FindMe
- Configuring your FindMe user account
- Defining device details
- Defining location details
- Provisioning (Starter Pack)
- TMS Agent
- VCS software components
- Upgrade procedure
- Option keys
- Enabling security
- Advanced account security
- Login accounts
- Administrator accounts
- Maintaining user accounts
- Managing user accounts
- Administrator and user groups
- Account authentication using LDAP
- Root account
- System administration access
- Backup and restore
- System snapshot
- Incident reporting
- Viewing incident reports
- Tools
- Port usage
- Restarting, rebooting and shutting down
- Restoring default configuration
- Configuration items reset by DefaultValuesSet level 2
- Password encryption
- CPL reference
- field
- subfield
- location
- proxy
- CPL examples
- Call screening based on domain
- Allow calls from locally registered endpoints only
- Restricting access to a local gateway
- Redirecting failed calls based on status code
- Reject attempts to subscribe to a presentity
- Regular expression reference
- Pattern variable reference
- Port reference
- DNS configuration
- LDAP configuration for device authentication
- Adding H.350 objects
- OpenLDAP
- Securing with TLS
- Command reference - xConfiguration
- Command reference - xCommand
- Command reference - xStatus
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Legal notices
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
- VCS base applications
- Optional features
- device provisioning
- Installation and initial configuration
- About this guide
- Using the web interface
- Using the command line interface (CLI)
- Web page features and layout
- What's new in this version
- Network and system settings
- Network settings
- lan configuration
- Configuring Ethernet settings
- Configuring DNS settings
- Configuring Quality of Service settings
- Intrusion protection
- Current active firewall rules
- additional information
- Network services
- Configuring SNMP settings
- Configuring time settings
- Configuring the Login page
- Configuring external manager settings
- Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Firewall traversal
- About firewall traversal
- Endpoint traversal technology requirements
- Firewall traversal configuration overview
- vcs as a firewall traversal server
- Configuring a traversal client and server
- Configuring ports for firewall traversal
- Configuring ports for connections from traversal clients
- Firewall traversal and authentication
- Configuring Expressway and traversal endpoint communications
- About ICE and TURN services
- Configuring TURN services
- Unified Communications
- Mobile and remote access
- Jabber client connectivity without VPN
- Configuring mobile and remote access on VCS
- Setting up the VCS Expressway
- Setting up secure VCS traversal zones
- Checking the status of Unified Communications services
- Protocols
- About H.323
- Configuring H.323
- About SIP
- VCS as a SIP proxy server
- Proxying registration requests
- Configuring SIP
- Registration controls
- Authentication controls
- Configuring domains
- Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
- Registration control
- About registrations
- MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
- About Allow and Deny Lists
- Configuring the registration Deny List
- Configuring Registration Policy to use an external service
- Device authentication
- About device authentication
- Configuring VCS authentication policy
- Controlling system behavior for authenticated and non-authenticated devices
- Authentication policy configuration options
- SIP authentication trust
- Configuring delegated credential checking (SIP only)
- Device provisioning and authentication policy
- Presence and authentication policy
- Hierarchical dial plans and authentication policy
- Practical configuration of authentication policy
- authentication mechanism
- Configuring authentication to use the local database
- Using an H.350 directory service lookup via LDAP
- Using Active Directory database (direct)
- Configuring the connection to Active Directory Service (ADS)
- Authenticating with external systems
- Zones and neighbors
- About your video communications network
- Structuring your dial plan
- About zones
- Configuring media encryption policy
- Configuring the B2BUA for media encryption
- Configuring ICE messaging support
- About the Local Zone and subzones
- The Default Zone
- Configuring Default Zone access rules
- Configuring zones
- Configuring traversal client zones
- Configuring traversal server zones
- Configuring ENUM zones
- Configuring DNS zones
- Zone configuration: advanced settings
- Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
- TLS certificate verification of neighbor systems
- Configuring a zone for incoming calls only
- Clustering and peers
- About clusters
- License usage within a cluster
- Managing clusters and peers
- Maintaining a cluster
- Specifying peer-specific items in clustered systems
- Sharing registrations across peers
- Cluster upgrades, backup and restore
- About the Cluster Subzone
- Neighboring the local VCS to another VCS cluster
- Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
- Dial plan and call processing
- Call routing process
- Configuring hop counts
- Configuring dial plan settings
- About transforms and search rules
- Configuring pre-search transforms
- Search and zone transform process
- Configuring search rules
- Example searches and transforms
- Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
- Query a zone for original and transformed alias
- Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
- Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
- Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
- Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
- Configuring search rules to use an external service
- About Call Policy
- Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
- Configuring Call Policy to use an external service
- Supported address formats
- Dialing by ENUM
- Dialing by IP address
- About URI dialing
- URI dialing via DNS
- URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
- URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
- configuring sip srv records
- URI dialing and firewall traversal
- About ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
- Configuring zones and search rules for ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for incoming calls
- Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
- Configuring call routing and signaling
- Identifying calls
- Disconnecting calls
- Bandwidth control
- About bandwidth control
- Configuring bandwidth controls
- About subzones
- Configuring the Default Subzone
- Configuring subzone membership rules
- Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
- Links and pipes
- Configuring pipes
- Applying pipes to links
- Bandwidth control examples
- Applications
- Configuring Conference Factory
- Presence
- Presence User Agent (PUA)
- Configuring Presence
- presence server
- B2BUA (back-to-back user agent) overview
- Microsoft Lync B2BUA
- configuring transcoder policy rules
- configuring b2bua transcoders
- restarting the b2bua service
- End-user FindMe account configuration
- FindMe process overview
- Cisco TMS provisioning
- VCS Provisioning Server
- Starter Pack provisioning
- User accounts
- About user accounts
- Configuring password security
- Configuring administrator accounts
- Viewing active administrator sessions
- Configuring remote account authentication using LDAP
- Checking the LDAP server connection status
- Configuring administrator groups
- Configuring FindMe groups
- Configuring FindMe accounts
- Configuring a FindMe account's principal devices
- Resetting forgotten passwords
- Using the root account
- Maintenance
- Enabling maintenance mode
- About upgrading software components
- Upgrading VCS software
- Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
- Configuring logging
- Managing option keys
- About security certificates
- Managing the VCS's server certificate
- Managing certificate revocation lists (CRLs)
- Configuring certificate-based authentication
- Testing client certificates
- Advanced security
- Configuring FIPS140-2 cryptographic mode
- Configuring language settings
- Removing language packs
- Backing up and restoring VCS data
- Restoring a previous backup
- Diagnostics tools
- Creating a system snapshot
- Configuring Support Log levels
- Incident reporting
- Sending incident reports manually
- Incident report details
- Checking the effect of a pattern
- Locating an alias
- Port usage
- Remote listening ports
- Network utilities
- Tracepath
- Restarting, rebooting and shutting down
- Developer resources
- Overview and status information
- Status overview
- System information
- Ethernet status
- IP status
- Resource usage
- Registration status
- Call status
- B2BUA calls
- Search history
- Search details
- Local Zone status
- Zone status
- Bandwidth
- Policy server status and resiliency
- TURN relays status
- Unified Communications status
- Presence subscribers
- Lync B2BUA
- TMS Provisioning Extension service status
- User records provided by Cisco TMSPE services
- FindMe records provided by Cisco TMSPE services
- Provisioned devices
- Starter Pack Provisioning Server status
- Managing alarms
- Logs
- Configuration Log
- Network Log
- Hardware status
- Reference material
- Performance capabilities
- About Event Log levels
- Administrator and FindMe user events
- Events and levels
- CPL reference
- otherwise
- rule-switch
- proxy
- CPL examples
- LDAP server configuration for device authentication
- securing with tls
- Configuring an OpenLDAP server
- DNS configuration examples
- Changing the default SSH key
- Restoring default configuration (factory reset)
- Password encryption
- Pattern matching variables
- Port reference
- Unified Communications port reference
- Microsoft Lync B2BUA port reference
- Device authentication port reference
- Regular expressions
- Supported characters
- Call types and licensing
- Alarms
- command reference — xconfiguration
- command reference — xcommand
- command reference — xstatus
- External policy overview
- External policy request parameters
- Default CPL for policy services
- Flash status word reference table
- Supported RFCs
- Software version history
- X7.1
- Related documentation
- Legal notices
- Patent information
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
- Standard features
- Optional features
- Installation and initial configuration
- About this guide
- Using the web interface
- Using the command line interface (CLI)
- Web page features and layout
- What's new in this version
- Overview and status information
- Status overview
- System information
- Ethernet status
- IP status
- Resource usage
- Active sessions
- Registration status
- Registrations by alias
- Registration details
- Call status
- Call history
- Call summary
- Search history
- Search details
- Local Zone status
- Zone status
- Bandwidth
- Policy service status
- TURN relays status
- Presence
- Presence subscribers
- OCS Relay status
- OCS/Lync B2BUA
- TMS Provisioning Extension service status
- starter pack
- FindMe records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Phone book records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Alarms
- Logs
- Configuration Log
- Network Log
- Hardware status
- Network and system settings
- Network settings
- lan configuration
- Configuring Ethernet settings
- Configuring Quality of Service settings
- Network services
- vcs unit front panel
- Configuring SNMP settings
- Time
- Other settings
- Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Configuring logging levels
- remote logging
- Protocols
- About H.323
- About SIP
- VCS as a SIP proxy server
- VCS as a SIP Presence Server
- Configuring SIP domains
- Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
- Registration control
- About registrations
- MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
- Registering aliases
- attempts to register using an existing alias
- About Allow and Deny Lists
- Configuring the registration Deny List
- Device authentication
- About device authentication
- Authentication mechanism
- Authentication Policy configuration options
- Subzone-level Authentication Policy
- SIP authentication trust
- Device authentication configuration
- Device authentication using LDAP
- Device LDAP schemas
- Authentication using a local database
- Authentication using Active Directory Service
- Active Directory Service (ADS) configuration
- Authenticating with external systems
- Zones and neighbors
- About your video communications network
- Structuring your dial plan
- About the Local Zone and subzones
- About zones
- Zone configuration
- Configuring traversal client zones
- Configuring traversal server zones
- Configuring ENUM zones
- Configuring DNS zones
- Zone configuration: advanced settings
- Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
- Configuring a zone for incoming calls only
- Clustering and peers
- About clusters
- Resource usage within a cluster
- Managing clusters and peers
- adding and removing peers from a cluster
- Peer-specific configuration
- Sharing registrations across peers
- Cluster upgrades and downgrades
- Clustering and Presence
- About the Cluster Subzone
- TMS Agent replication status
- Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
- Dial plan and call processing
- Call routing process
- About the VCS's directory service
- About hop counts
- Dial plan configuration
- About transforms and search rules
- About pre-search transforms
- Search and zone transform process
- Configuring search rules
- Example searches and transforms
- Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
- Query a zone for original and transformed alias
- Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
- Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
- Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
- Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
- Configuring policy services
- About Call Policy
- Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
- viewing existing cpl script
- Configuring VCS to use the Cisco TelePresence Advanced Media Gateway
- Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
- Dialable address formats
- Dialing by ENUM
- IP dialing
- recommended configuration for firewall traversal
- About URI dialing
- URI dialing via DNS
- URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
- URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
- incoming call process
- call srv records
- URI dialing and firewall traversal
- About ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
- Zone configuration for ENUM dialing
- configuring matches for enum zones
- ENUM dialing for incoming calls
- Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
- Call signaling configuration
- Identifying calls
- Disconnecting calls
- Bandwidth control
- About bandwidth control
- Bandwidth configuration
- About subzones
- About the Default Subzone
- Configuring subzone membership rules
- Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
- how different bandwidth limitations are managed
- Links and pipes
- Configuring pipes
- Applying pipes to links
- Bandwidth control examples
- Firewall traversal
- About firewall traversal
- VCS as a firewall traversal server
- Configuring a traversal client and server
- Firewall traversal protocols and ports
- Ports for initial connections from traversal clients
- TURN ports
- Firewall traversal and authentication
- Authentication and NTP
- Firewall traversal and Dual Network Interfaces
- Firewall configuration
- Configuring traversal server ports
- About ICE and TURN services
- Configuring TURN services
- Applications
- Conference Factory
- Presence User Agent (PUA)
- Configuring Presence
- presence server
- OCS Relay
- Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA (back-to-back user agent)
- Configuring the Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA
- Configuring the B2BUA's trusted hosts
- Configuring transcoder policy rules
- Configuring B2BUA transcoders
- Restarting the B2BUA service
- User (FindMe) account configuration
- FindMe process overview
- Searching for FindMe users
- TMS provisioning
- VCS Provisioning Server
- Starter Pack provisioning
- Maintenance
- About upgrading software components
- Upgrading and option keys
- Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
- Option keys
- Adding option keys using the web interface
- About security certificates
- CRL management
- Certificate-based authentication configuration
- Client certificate testing
- Advanced account security
- Configuring language settings
- About login accounts
- Root accounts
- Login history
- Resetting an administrator or root password
- Configuring administrator accounts
- Password security
- Configuring administrator groups
- Configuring a user's principal devices
- Backing up and restoring VCS data
- Restoring a previous backup
- Diagnostics tools
- Creating a system snapshot
- Configuring Network Log levels
- Incident reporting
- Sending incident reports manually
- Incident report details
- Checking the effect of a pattern
- Locating an alias
- Port usage
- Remote listening ports
- Network utilities
- DNS lookup
- Restarting
- Rebooting
- Shutting down
- Developer resources
- Reference material
- Software version history
- X6.1
- X5.2
- X5.1
- About Event Log levels
- Message details field
- Events and levels
- CPL reference
- otherwise
- rule-switch
- reject
- CPL examples
- LDAP configuration for device authentication
- Configuring an OpenLDAP server
- securing with tls
- DNS configuration examples
- Changing the default SSH key
- Restoring default configuration
- Configuration items reset by DefaultValuesSet level 2
- Password encryption
- Pattern matching variables
- Port reference
- Regular expressions
- Supported characters
- TMS Agent (legacy)
- Device Provisioning
- TMS Agent passwords
- What are traversal calls
- Alarms list
- xConfiguration commands
- xCommand commands
- xStatus elements
- About policy services
- Policy service responses
- Flash status word reference table
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Legal notices
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- About the Cisco TelePresence Video Communication Server (VCS)
- VCS base applications
- Standard features
- Optional features
- Installation and initial configuration
- About this guide
- Using the web interface
- Using the command line interface (CLI)
- Web page features and layout
- What's new in this version
- System security enhancements
- Enhanced diagnostics
- Overview and status information
- Status overview
- System information
- Ethernet status
- IP status
- Resource usage
- Active sessions
- Registration status
- Call status
- Disconnecting calls
- Search history
- Search details
- Local Zone status
- Zone status
- Bandwidth
- Policy service status
- TURN relays status
- Presence
- Presence subscribers
- OCS Relay status
- OCS/Lync B2BUA
- TMS Provisioning Extension service status
- user records provided by tms provisioning extension services
- FindMe records provided by TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Provisioned devices
- Alarms
- Logs
- Configuration Log
- Network Log
- Hardware status
- Network and system settings
- Network settings
- lan configuration
- Configuring Ethernet settings
- Configuring Quality of Service settings
- current active firewall rules
- Network services
- Configuring SNMP settings
- Configuring time settings
- Other settings
- Configuring TMS Provisioning Extension services
- Protocols
- About H.323
- About SIP
- VCS as a SIP proxy server
- Proxying registration requests
- Configuring SIP domains
- Configuring SIP and H.323 interworking
- Registration control
- About registrations
- MCU, gateway and Content Server registration
- Registering aliases
- About Allow and Deny Lists
- Configuring the registration Deny List
- Device authentication
- About device authentication
- Configuring VCS authentication policy
- Controlling system behavior for authenticated and non-authenticated devices
- Authentication policy configuration options
- SIP authentication trust
- Device provisioning and authentication policy
- Presence and authentication policy
- Hierarchical dial plans and authentication policy
- Practical configuration of authentication policy
- Configuring VCS authentication methods
- Authentication using the local database
- starter pack
- Using an H.350 directory service lookup via LDAP
- Device authentication H.350 schemas
- configuration prerequisites
- Active Directory Service (ADS) configuration
- Authenticating with external systems
- Zones and neighbors
- About your video communications network
- Structuring your dial plan
- About the Local Zone and subzones
- About zones
- About the Default Zone
- Configuring Default Zone access rules
- Media encryption policy
- Zone configuration
- Configuring traversal client zones
- Configuring traversal server zones
- Configuring ENUM zones
- Zone configuration: advanced settings
- Zone configuration: pre-configured profile settings
- TLS certificate verification of neighbor systems
- Clustering and peers
- About clusters
- Resource usage within a cluster
- Managing clusters and peers
- adding and removing peers from a cluster
- Peer-specific configuration
- Sharing registrations across peers
- Cluster upgrades, backup and restore
- Clustering and Presence
- Neighboring the local VCS to another VCS cluster
- TMS Agent replication status
- Troubleshooting cluster replication problems
- Dial plan and call processing
- Call routing process
- About the VCS's directory service
- About hop counts
- Dial plan configuration
- About transforms and search rules
- About pre-search transforms
- Search and zone transform process
- Example searches and transforms
- Always query a zone with original alias (no transforms)
- Query a zone for original and transformed alias
- Query a zone for two or more transformed aliases
- Stripping @domain for dialing to H.323 numbers
- Transforms for alphanumeric H.323 ID dial strings
- Allowing calls to IP addresses only if they come from known zones
- Configuring policy services
- About Call Policy
- Configuring Call Policy rules using the web interface
- Configuring VCS to use the Cisco TelePresence Advanced Media Gateway
- Configuring Cisco AM GW policy rules
- Dialable address formats
- Dialing by ENUM
- IP dialing
- About URI dialing
- URI dialing via DNS
- URI dialing via DNS for outgoing calls
- URI dialing via DNS for incoming calls
- configuring sip srv records
- example dns record configuration
- URI dialing and firewall traversal
- About ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for outgoing calls
- Zone configuration for ENUM dialing
- ENUM dialing for incoming calls
- Configuring DNS servers for ENUM and URI dialing
- Call signaling configuration
- Identifying calls
- Bandwidth control
- About bandwidth control
- Bandwidth configuration
- About subzones
- About the Default Subzone
- Configuring subzone membership rules
- Applying bandwidth limitations to subzones
- Links and pipes
- Configuring pipes
- Applying pipes to links
- Bandwidth control examples
- Firewall traversal
- About firewall traversal
- Configuring VCSs for firewall traversal
- Configuring a traversal client and server
- Firewall traversal protocols and ports
- Firewall traversal and authentication
- Authentication and NTP
- Firewall configuration
- Configuring traversal server ports
- About ICE and TURN services
- Configuring TURN services
- Applications
- Conference Factory
- Presence User Agent (PUA)
- Configuring Presence
- presence server
- OCS Relay
- Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA (back-to-back user agent)
- Configuring the Microsoft OCS/Lync B2BUA
- Configuring the B2BUA's trusted hosts
- Configuring transcoder policy rules
- Configuring B2BUA transcoders
- Restarting the B2BUA service
- User (FindMe) account configuration
- FindMe process overview
- Searching for FindMe users
- TMS provisioning
- VCS Provisioning Server
- Starter Pack provisioning
- Maintenance
- About upgrading software components
- Upgrade procedure
- Upgrading using secure copy (SCP/PSCP)
- Logging configuration
- Option keys
- About security certificates
- Managing the VCS's server certificate
- CRL management
- Certificate-based authentication configuration
- Client certificate testing
- Advanced account security
- Configuring language settings
- About login accounts
- Configuring login account authentication
- Configuring remote account authentication using LDAP
- Password security
- Configuring administrator accounts
- Configuring administrator groups
- Configuring user accounts
- Configuring a user's principal devices
- Configuring user groups
- Root account
- Backing up and restoring VCS data
- Restoring a previous backup
- Diagnostics tools
- Creating a system snapshot
- Configuring Network Log levels
- Incident reporting
- Sending incident reports manually
- Incident report details
- Checking the effect of a pattern
- Locating an alias
- Port usage
- Remote listening ports
- Network utilities
- Tracepath
- Restarting
- Rebooting
- Shutting down
- Developer resources
- Reference material
- Software version history
- X6.1
- X5.2
- X5.1
- About Event Log levels
- Message details field
- Events and levels
- CPL reference
- otherwise
- rule-switch
- reject
- CPL examples
- LDAP server configuration for device authentication
- Configuring an OpenLDAP server
- securing with tls
- DNS configuration examples
- Changing the default SSH key
- Restoring default configuration
- Pattern matching variables
- Port reference
- Regular expressions
- Supported characters
- TMS Agent (legacy)
- TMS Agent passwords
- What are traversal calls
- command reference — xconfiguration
- command reference — xcommand
- command reference — xstatus
- About policy services
- Flash status word reference table
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Accessibility notice
- Legal notices
- Patent information
Table of contents
- Table Of Contents
- about this guide
- getting started
- front panel
- rear panel
- wall mounting
- troubleshooting
- alternative method for software upgrading
- configuration examples
- typical user scenarios
- about sip uri options
- example with external network
- example with full ip infrastructure and vcs
- password protection
- changing the system password
- supported rfcs
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