BrochureCisco TelePresence for Healthcare:Improving the Quality and Speed of CareExecutive SummaryOrganizations dedicated to improving healthcare rely on collaboration and innovation to help themmeet productivity and economic challenges. Whether it is a pharmaceutical company seeking toaccelerate drug discovery or a hospital needing to maximize the productivity of its specialists, theability to bring people together with each other – and with information – is integral to achieving theirgoals. Cisco TelePresence™ helps healthcare organizations:● Strengthen clinical collaboration cost-effectively● Enable virtual care team consultation● Manage distributed operations● Scale scarce resources and reduce travel costs● Expand access to careIntroductionFinding ways to manage rapidly escalating costs, accelerate innovation, deliver high-quality care,and maximize use of skilled resources is particularly important for healthcare organizations.Demand for healthcare is growing rapidly, and organizations dedicated to delivering qualityhealthcare services find themselves managing a dispersed care environment. They need betteraccess to primary and specialized care resources. And they must manage growing complexity intheir clinical, operations, and regulatory environments. Improving collaboration brings peopletogether with information and expertise to meet these challenges.Growing Need for Internal CollaborationHealthcare professionals, including physicians, residents, nurses, and staff must complete trainingthroughout the year to maintain licenses. Completing this training takes time away from patientsand often involves costly travel. Many forms of remote or online training are inadequate becausethey do not facilitate appropriate interaction. Collaboration with specialists, such as tumor boards,usually requires physicians to travel from a surrounding area and lose time with their patients. At© 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 1 of 4