
Sony OXF-R3 manuals

OXF-R3 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Music Mixer
Table of contents
OXF-R3 first page preview


Brand: Sony | Category: Music Mixer
Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Overview
  6. about this manual
  7. Data Flow
  8. control room
  9. chapter 1 overview
  10. OXF-R3 Start-Up
  11. shutdown procedure
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. The Control Surface
  14. Fader Paging
  15. Assignable Channel Processing
  16. Input Channel, Equaliser and Filters
  17. Free Assign Area and Dynamics
  18. Multitrack, Routing for Multitrack, Super Send Groups and Multi-Format
  19. Sends
  20. Select To Faders
  21. Select To Pans
  22. Basic Console Operations
  23. To Route a Mic or Line Input to the Main Output Bus
  24. To Set Up a Super Send Group from Channel Inputs
  25. To Send Signals to Tracks on Tape
  26. To Monitor Signals to and from Tape
  27. To Set Up a Stereo Headphone Mix for Foldback 1 O/P
  28. To Equalise Signal Feeding the Multitrack
  29. To Equalise Monitor Signal Post Multitrack
  30. To Insert Dynamics Pre Multitrack Send
  31. To Insert Dynamics Post Multitrack Return
  32. To Bounce Tracks
  33. To Set Up Super Send Groups from Multitrack
  34. To Set Up a De-Esser Using Dynamics Side-Chain EQ
  35. To Link Compressor Side-Chains in a Group
  36. To Link Compressor Side-Chains so that One Channel Controls a Second Channel
  37. Chapter 4 Contents
  38. Table Of Contents
  39. Chapter 4 4-1 The Basic (Default) Signal Path
  40. mix-down with post channel fader insert
  41. Recording to a Multitrack
  42. In-Line Channel Multitrack Recording Set-up
  43. SEND 1 Pre Fader Headphones Feed
  44. SEND 1 Post Fader Headphones Feed
  45. Broadcast Mode
  46. Channel Metering
  47. Send Monitor
  48. MULTI in Channel Path
  49. Dynamics Side-Chain Linking
  50. Dynamics Side-Chain Busses 1-4
  51. Mixing to the Main Output Bus
  52. Main Output Bus Set-up
  53. Channel Signal to the Main Output
  54. routing, stereo and surround panning in general
  55. Multi-Stem Set-up
  56. Multi-Stem Set-up Procedure
  57. Multi-Stem Monitor Path
  58. Multi-Stem Source Channels
  59. routing and monitoring a signal
  60. Stem Monitor Switching
  61. stem monitor switch functions
  62. Stem Monitor Switching GUI Set-up
  63. Fold-Down Matrix GUIs
  64. Chapter 5 5-1 The Master Control Screens
  65. channel screens
  66. routing gui
  67. I/O GUI
  68. Equaliser & Filters GUI
  69. Dynamics GUI
  70. Preferences GUI
  71. master gui
  72. Chapter 6 Contents
  73. Table Of Contents
  74. Chapter 6 6-1 OXF-R3 System Description
  75. control surface configurations
  76. Fader Panel
  77. Select to Faders Panel
  78. Pans Panel
  79. Select to Pans Panel
  80. Input and Equaliser Panel
  81. Free Assign Area & Dynamics Panel
  82. definable knobs
  83. dynamics side-chain equaliser
  84. Multitrack Panel
  85. Chapter 6 6-2-8 Routing Panel
  86. lcd channel screen panel
  87. sends 1-24 panel
  88. input channel
  89. pre fader headphones feed
  90. post m/t send fader headphones feed
  91. Central Section Panels
  92. Monitor Panel
  93. cr monitor section
  94. oscillator section
  95. Control Keyboard Panel
  96. Super Send Groups, Send Outputs and Multi-Format Panel
  97. Central Section Faders
  98. Control LCD Screen Panel
  99. QWERTY Keyboard
  100. Trackerballs
  101. Meter Bridge
  102. Stereo Centre Section Meters
  103. Other Meter Bridge Indicators
  104. Signal Processing Rack
  105. I/O Racks
  106. 7-1 The Basics
  107. the basics
  108. Chapter 7 7-1 The Basics
  109. files hierarchy
  110. Automatable Controls
  111. File Data Storage
  112. Programme Material
  113. Mixing Overview
  114. Name the Artist/Project and Title
  115. To Set Cue Points
  116. To Automate Cuts
  117. to save a mix
  118. To Automate Fader Moves
  119. Dropping Out of Write on Subsequent Mix Passes
  120. To Record Absolute Moves for a Number of Faders
  121. To Automate a Pan Move (or any other Knob)
  122. to assemble a mix
  123. Chapter 7 7-6 The Session Management™ Screen Pages
  124. the system screen
  125. The Machines Screen
  126. Artists/Projects & Titles Screen
  127. Mixes & Cues Screen
  128. Merge/Assemble Screen
  129. merge command lines
  130. Track Lists Screen
  131. Snapshots, Copy & Link Screen
  132. Copy Channel Fader Balance to M/T Faders and M/T to Channels
  133. Machine Remotes Screen
  134. Dynamic Automation Moves
  135. Automating Faders
  136. global, touch and audition functions
  137. To Automate Other Switches
  138. Dropping Out of Write on Subsequent Mix Passes for Knobs
  139. Automation Off and Selective Automation Isolate
  140. Film Mode
  141. Global Ready Enable
  142. Offline Automation
  143. MIDI
  144. Setting MIDI parameters
  145. MIDI Bars & Beats
  146. Backups
  147. Preferences
  148. session tab
  149. automation tab
  150. jog tab
  151. pointer tab
  152. setting up a network drive
  153. Index
  154. calibration procedure
  155. Specifications
  156. OXF-R3 Diagnostics
  157. Table Of Contents
  158. Table Of Contents
  159. Table Of Contents
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