CONNECTIONS FOR YOUR TVCONNECTION CENTER ON BACK OF TVANT/CABLE 1 or ANT/CABLE 275-ohm antenna-type connections to yourTV. Attach your antenna, cable-TV line orVCR to either of these jacks.LOOP OUT TODECODERUse this output to route thecable-TV signal back to thedecoder supplied by yourcable-TV system.IVIDEO 1 IN orVIDEO 2 IN lBaseband audio and video --'1input from a VCR or lother A/V component.VIDEO 1 LOOP OUTUse these jacks to send the incom-ing audio and video signals (fromVIDEO 1 1N) to another A/V com-ponent, such as a second VCR.i@i¸LOOPOUT ANT/CABLE2 ANT/CABLE11'0 DECODERVIDEO1 INVIDEO I--AUDIOLOOPOUTEXTERNAL AMPStandard phono jack connectors 10r outputto the customer's audio amplifier or Termi-nals for connecting external speakers.I_ VARIABLEAUDIOR,D,,T,_FT._'_"_TO EXTERNAL A_RSPEAKERS _"INT7 I-EXT 0 IIIIII 1_VIDEO2 INVIDEO _ AUDIO_ 0 I11111 -R L © IIIIII (_S-VIDEO1 INo IIIIII ,t.S-VIDEO R L SURROUNDSPKRSISPEAKERS EXTdNTEXT position: TV's speakersI are off.INT position: TV's speakersare on.SURROUNDSPEAKERTerminal connectors foroutput to optional sur-round sound speakers.S-VIDEO 1 INAudio and video inputfrom a Super-VHS VCR.Some connections require additional cables or equipment which are not supplied with the TV.OTHER AN JACKS ON TVThe VIDEO 3 IN and S-VIDEO 2 IN input jacks are locatedbehind the small door below the control panel on the front ofthe TV.S-VIDEO 2 INAudio and video input from a Super-VHS VCR.I \VIDEO 3 IN S-VIDEO 2 INIVIDEO 3 INBaseband audio and video input from a camcorder or otherA/V component.:7s7-o 1 -- I