REMOTE CONTROL MODEL MBR3430OPERATIONThe multi-brand remote supplied with your new Zenith TV al-lows you to operate most models of infrared (IR) remote-con-trolled TVs, VCRs and cable-TV converters, even if they areall different brands.Your multi-brand remote has already been programmed to op-erate your Zenith TV, a Zenith VCR and a Zenith cable-TV de-coder. It must be "taught" to operate other brands. Refer to"Programming Your Remote Control" for details.CHOOSE THE OPERATING MODETo operate your TV, VCR or CABLE-TV decoder, you mustfirst choose the remote's mode of operation. To select themode, press the MODE key until the desired indicator lights.Some KEYS on the remote will always operate a particular ap-pliance. For example, VOLUME always operates the TV vol-ume and PLAY always operates the VCR. The function ofother keys depends on the mode selected.Point toward unitto be controlledOperating mode selectionand indicatorsMenu operations on TVand some VCRsNumbered buttons forchannel selection and otherusesLearn functions for userprogrammed sequencesNOTE: See following pagesfor operating instructions.AOJ M AOJS'_,Em_CT QUIT$®®®®$®®( ENTER _)SWAP TIMERISEIic+Lt--SEQCZ) (:I) CII:> C:_RECORD STOP PAUSE SEARCH(_3:> CE) (EB C::_REW PLAY F FWD TVNCRr_ -7Controlled deviceOFF/ONSpecial features on TV andsome VCRsChannel Up/Downfor TVs, VCRs and cableVolume Up/Down for TVSpecial features on someTVs and some VCRsMBR34302736-0 4- 1