QUICK REFERENCE TO ON-SCREEN MENUSSUMMARY OF MENU ITEMS\RUNIC]l BASS 1TREBLEBALANCEAUDIOSEQSURROUNDNULLBASS: Adjusts the BASS (low-frequency) level.TREBLE: Adjusts the TREBLE (high-frequency) level.BALANCE: Adjusts the BALANCE of sound between theleft, right and surround speakers for stereophonic programs.AUDIO MODE: Allows for receiving a Second Audio Pro-gram (SAP), such as a program broadcast with two audio por-tions (typically two languages), or lets you select stereophonic(STEREO) or monaural (MONO) speaker operation.SEQ: Turns on an enhanced audio mode.SURROUND: Adjusts Surround Sound volume when TV isused with separately supplied Surround Sound speakers.NULL: Used to minimize front channel sounds from comingthrough the Surround Sound speakers.ICONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLORTINTSHARPNESSCOLOR TEMPVIDEO FILTERAUTO FLESHPICTURE PREFCONTRAST: Adjusts the overall contrast and color level ofthe picture.BRIGHTNESS: Adjusts the brightness level of black areas inthe picture.COLOR: Adjusts the intensity of the colors in the picture.TINT: Adjusts the color of the flesh tones.SHARPNESS: Adjusts the clarity of the edges of objects for theclearest possible picture.COLOR TEMP: Changes the "color temperature" or picturewhite balance between cooler natural whites and warmer (red)colors.VIDEO FILTER: Reduces video "noise" or interference indark picture areas resulting in clearer overall pictures.AUTO FLESH: Automatically maintains natural skin tonesunder changing scene and video source conditions.PICTURE PREF: Lets you decide if you want to use yourown CUSTOM video settings, the factory PRESET video set-tings, or the THEATER video settings for optimum viewing inlow-light conditions.PIP* Some models only.ICH. GUIDE _-CH. REVIEWPIP SOURCEPIP COLORPIP TINTPIP SIZECH. GUIDE: Provides a visual review of all channels in thechannel scan memory for the currently selected ANT/CABLE source.CH. REVIEW: Provides a visual review of the last three (3)channels tuned on the TV.PIP SOURCE: Lets you select the equipment that suppliesthe picture to the PIP inset.PIP COLOR: Adjusts the intensity of the colors in the PIP in-set.PIP TINT: Adjusts the color of the flesh tones.PIP SIZE: Lets you choose between seeing a larger orsmaller PIP inset.2T36-o 5 -- 2