62ensure that the local Service Organisation is aware ofyour move and able to look after you and yourappliances.France Senlis +33 (0)3 44 62 29 99Germany Nürnberg +49 (0)911 323 2600Italy Pordenone +39 (0)1678 47053Sweden Stockholm +46 (0)8 738 79 50UK Slough +44 (0)1753 219897GUARANTEE ANDSPARE PARTS (ONLYFOR BENELUX)When calling for repairs during the period ofguarantee ofthe appliance, the original invoice orreceipt must be shown or sent together with theappliance to be repaired.GENERAL CONDITIONS OF GUARANTEE1 The manufacturer guarantees the appliance indicatedon the relative invoice for a period of one year from thedate of purchase. In case of a fault during this period ifcaused bya defect in materials and/or construction, theclient is entitled to repair free of charge.1a Concerning vacuum cleaners for domestic use, thetotal periodof guarantee is two years. Accessories aresubject to a direct usage, consequently these articles areexcluded from the guarantee.2 The manufacturer guarantees technical assistanceand repairsfor one year. Spare parts fitted during repairare also covered by a one year guarantee from the dateof repair. In case of fault during this period, as a directresult of the repair work carried out or caused by thenew parts fitted on such occasion, the client is entitledto repair free of charge. The execution of repairs doesnot prolong the total period of guarantee covering theappliance.3 Technical Assistance At Domicile Will Be ProvidedOnly For Large Apparatus Which Are Difficult ToTransport Such As: Washing Machines, Spin-Driers,Dishwashers,Refrigerators, Freezers (VerticalOr Horizontal), Ovens, Cookers And Built-InAppliances.3a The above-mentioned conditions are alsovalid for refrigerators for caravens oncondition that they are situated within thenational boundaries and are accessible byroads open to traffic. Furthermore, at the timeof the intervention the appliance and its owner,or the person so authorized, must be present atthe place agreed upon for the intervention.4 If, in the opinion of the manufacturer, theappliance as described in point 3 must betransported to a Technical Assistancelaboratory, the transportation will be carriedout as established by the manufacturer, at hisexpense and under his responsibility.5 All appliances not mentioned under points 3and 3a, includingappliances having the samefunctional characteristics but whose transportis easy, must be sent to the TechnicalAssistance or taken to them. Throughout theperiod of guarantee the cost of returntransportation will be taken care by themanufacturer.6 If during the period of guarantee adisfunction occurs due to a defect whichcannot be repaired, the appliance will bereplaced free of charge.EXTENSION OF THE GUARANTEE7 For motorcompressors of refrigerators/freezers (excluding the starting device andthermal interrupter) a decreasing guarantee of20% per year for a period of five years fromthe date of purchase of the appliance indicatedon the relative invoice with repairs free ofcharge throughout the entire period underguarantee. On completion of the total period ofguarantee the cost of travel, workmanship andeventual spare parts will be at the expense ofthe client.