SIP-2COMMUNICATION NODE TYPE SIP-2 82/145USER GUIDE - Rev. 3 (January 2018)For each of the NTP servers configured, an IP address must be provided, as well as thetype of IP message it will use to access the individual server (unicast) or collective Server(manycast), the minimum time between requests, with the parameter establishing theexponent of the power of 2 in seconds; the maximum time between requests, also as theexponent of the power of 2 in seconds, and a selection option that determines whetherauthentication should be used, in which case it is necessary to indicate which previously-defined code the client with the server in question will use.5.15 ACCESS CONFIGURATIONThe equipment offer users several means of access: operating console, access via httpserver (web) and telnet.Local users predefined in the system are always present but an external resources can beused to validate users for different types of access, for which reason the user database is acentralised and independent resource with respect to the equipment itself. For this purposethe equipment has a TACACS+ client.TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) is a remoteauthentication protocol used to manage access to servers and communication devices; itprovides separate authentication, authorisation and registration services.The general configuration parameters are the following:• Server IP 1. This establishes the IP address of the primary TACACS+ server.• Server IP 2. This establishes the IP address of the secondary TACACS+ server.• Encrypted. This permits user to select whether the equipment communication withthe TACACS+ servers must be made in the ciphered mode or not.• Secret Shared Key. This establishes the code to be used for ciphering thecommunication when the encrypted option is active.• Guest Privilege Level. This establishes the privilege level (0 to 15) of the guestprofile (guest). This level must be the same that the one established in theTACACS+ server.• Admin Privilege Level. This establishes the privilege level (0 to 15) of theadministrator profile (admin). This level must be the same that the one establishedin the TACACS+ server.