SIP-2COMMUNICATION NODE TYPE SIP-2 14/145USER GUIDE - Rev. 3 (January 2018)1.4.4 Additional services➢ SNMP agent.➢ DHCP server and client.➢ NTP server and client.➢ TACACS+ client.➢ NAT rules.➢ 104-101 Gateway.➢ IPSec tunnels with DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint VPN) support.➢ IPIP (IP over IP) and GRE tunnels.1.4.5 Accessories➢ Ethernet cables.➢ Serial cables.➢ Antenna cables.➢ Antennas.➢ Screws and fixing accessories for wall mount and/or DIN rail installation.1.4.6 Certifications➢ CE.➢ Designed for Electrical Substations.➢ Designed for industrial applications.1.4.7 Asynchronous serial data ports (DCE) characteristics➢ Data bits: 5, 6, 7 or 8.➢ Stop bits: 1 or 2.➢ Parity: odd, even or none.➢ Speed: 600 bit/s to 115200 bit/s.➢ Flow control: none, hardware or software.➢ Interface: V.24/V.28 of the ITU-T (EIA RS-232C) or, only for port COM 1, RS-485(2-wire or 4-wire).