SIP-2COMMUNICATION NODE TYPE SIP-2 46/145USER GUIDE - Rev. 3 (January 2018)5.5 WAN CONFIGURATIONThis menu only appears when the SIP-2 equipment has the optional wireless WANinterface.5.5.1 cell0 submenuThis submenu is used to configure the wireless interface data. The submenu has fourdifferent sections, which are described below.WAN:• Enable Wireless WAN. This allows the WAN interface of the equipment to beenabled and disabled by selecting ON and OFF, respectively.Selecting the ON option will make the equipment try a newGPRS/UMTS/HSDPA/LTE session, in accordance with the subscriber data (PIN,APN, Authentication method, user, password). In the case of dual SIMfunctionality, the subscriber data will be those corresponding to the primary SIM.The OFF option disables the WAN interface, and is the default option.Consequently, you should enable this option if you want the GPRS/UMTS/LTEservice, after FIRST configuring the necessary parameters for establishing theoperator session.• Primary SIM. In the case of dual SIM functionality, this permits users to determinewhich of the two available SIMs will act as the primary one: SIMA or SIMB. In thisoperating mode the SIM that is not selected is therefore the secondary or back-upSIM. It is also possible to establish an operating mode with alternation of the SIMs(alternated) each time the equipment is started up, as well as an operating modefor random selection of the primary SIM each time the equipment is started up(random).• Request DNS. Tick this box and the equipment will request the addresses for DNSservers if connected to the GPRS/UMTS/LTE service.• Maximum number of retries. This gives the number of retries (3 to 10) that can bemade to try and establish the operator session. If the number of retries is used up,the equipment will be rebooted.In the case of dual SIM functionality, the number of retries is for each of the SIMs.In this way, once the number of retries with the primary SIM has been used up, theequipment will try to establish connection using the secondary SIM. If it is notpossible to connect with the secondary SIM, once the number of retries has beenused up, or if the secondary SIM is disabled, the equipment will be rebooted.