SIP-2COMMUNICATION NODE TYPE SIP-2 71/145USER GUIDE - Rev. 3 (January 2018)• Transl. Dest. This establishes the IP address that must replace the destination IP.An IP address may be specified or the respective interface identifier. In the case ofnot wanting to change the original address, the value must be original.• T. Orig. Port. This establishes the identifier of the port that must replace the originport in the packet. It admits a range configuration. In the case of not wanting tochange the original port, the value must be original.• T. Dest. Port. This establishes the identifier of the port that must replace thedestination port in the packet. It admits a range configuration. In the case of notwanting to change the destination port, the value must be original.• Description. This permits a description of up to 15 alphanumerical characters.5.11 DHCP SERVER CONFIGURATIONThe SIP-2 has a built-in DHCP server which allows IP addresses to be assignedautomatically to the equipment requesting this.The configuration parameters are:• Enable DHCP server. This allows the DHCP service to be activated. The DHCPserver is operative when the option is selected.• First IP Addr. Allows the first IP address of the IP addresses pool managed by theDHCP Server to be specified.• Last IP Addr. Allows the last IP address of the IP addresses pool managed by theDHCP Server to be specified.• Maximum number of leases. Allows the maximum number of IP addressessimultaneously assigned in use to be specified.• Mask. This establishes the net mask that will communicate with the DHCP clients.• Default Gateway. This establishes the default router address (Default Gateway)that will communicate with the DHCP clients.• Lease time. This allows the time in seconds to be specified for an IP address to beassigned following a request from a DHCP client. After the indicated time, if theDHCP has not requested a renewal, the IP address will be considered available fordealing with new requests.