Z810 System User Manual Z CorporationZ Corporation Service (781) 852-5050 / (887) 88-ZCORP 9511.1 USING ZCAST 500 POWDER11.1.1 GENERAL INFORMATIONZCast 500 powder is a plaster-ceramic composition that allows you to print sand casting-likemolds and/or cores with your Z Corporation 3D Printer. Once printed, depowdered, and baked,you have the ability to immediately pour molten metal into the mold, yielding a cast metal part.Arguably, the ZCast process is the fastest and most direct way to obtain a metal part from CADdata. ZCast 500 powder has been optimized for non-ferrous materials ranging from zinc to brass,including aluminum and magnesium.You will find a detailed document entitled ‘ZCast Direct Metal Casting - Design Guide’ located inthe appendix of this manual for additional information. Please review the guide along with safetyissues before continuing with this product. Upon review, contact the Z CorporationApplications Team for information about a free online training session at (781) 852-5005 orvia email at applications@zcorp.com.11.1.2 USING ZCAST ON YOUR Z810 3D PRINTERBefore using ZCast on your Z810 3D Printer, you will need to upgrade to metal snowplows,remove the scraper blade, and change powder feeders.Metal SnowplowsThe ZCast upgrade kit for the Z810 Printer includesthe permanent installation of snowplows designedspecifically for the ZCast material set. This is a fieldinstalled upgrade that should be performed by acertified Z Corp. service technician only. If yourmachine does not have these metal snowplowsinstalled, please call the service department at(781)852-5050 to schedule an upgrade. Use of theprinter without upgrading to metal snowplows willdamage the printer.Temporary Scraper Blade RemovalWhen using ZCast powder on the Z810 3D Printer, the scraper blade should be removed. Failureto remove the scraper blade when running ZCast powder will result in excessive wear on thescraper blade and require replacement. Remember to reinstall the scraper blade when printingwith ZCast powder is complete.WARNING: Do not pour magnesium without first contacting a Z Corporation technicalrepresentative. NEVER ATTEMPT TO POUR FERROUS METALS IN ZCAST 500 MOLDS.