2.3 Connecting Devices2.3.4 Connecting the Power Supply and Other Devices2-452 Installation and ConnectionsRLY OUT Connector Connection ExampleRefer to the following figure for an example of connecting the RLY OUT connector.2.3.4 Connecting the Power Supply and Other DevicesUse the following procedure to connect the power cables that you made to the systemdevices.1. Connect the SERVOPACK to the Servomotor.Connect the motor cable, the encoder cable, and the ground terminals.2. Wire the power supply to the Machine Controller and the SERVOPACK.Refer to the following section for more information on wiring the power supply to the Machine Con-troller.Connecting the Power Supply Connector (page 2-41)Note: Refer to the relevant manuals for information on wiring the SERVOPACK power supply.3. After wiring the power supply, turn ON the power, and confirm that power is being sup-plied.After confirmation, turn OFF the power supply.RLY OUT24 VDC0 VDCPOWERGround to 100 max.24-VDCpower supplyPowersupplyError: OFFNormal operation: ONRLY OUT outputConfirm that the panel indicatoron the SERVOPACK is lit.Confirm that the indicators onthe Machine Controller are lit.