5.1 Debugging Ladder Programs5.1.8 Forcing Coils ON and OFF5-195 Debugging Programs3. Select the check boxes for the coils to force ON or OFF. Names and Descriptions of the Force Coil List Pane ItemsThe Force Coil List Pane consists of a list where the forced coils are displayed, and a toolbarthat is used to search and repeat searches for forced coils, and to change the forced status ofcoils.1. If you right-click in the Force Coil List Pane, you can use the pop-up menu to select Check Allor Uncheck All to select or clear the selections of the all of the Forcing Check Boxes.2. If you select or double-click a search result row in the Force Coil List Pane, you can jump tothe corresponding coil in the ladder program. Alternatively, you can right-click in the list in theForce Coil List Pane, and select Jump from the pop-up menu. If the program is not open, itwill be opened automatically and the display will jump to the corresponding coil in the pro-gram.3. If you right-click in the Force Coil List Pane and select Cross Reference from the pop-upmenu, or select Debug − Cross Reference from the menu bar, the register that is set for thecoil will be checked for cross references and the results will be displayed in the Cross Refer-ence Pane.4. If you edit the ladder program while the search results are displayed, the coils in the editedprogram will be displayed in gray.Note Tool BarList