Appendix E Fixed Parameter Setting According to Encoder Type and Axis TypeA-20Appendix E Fixed Parameter Setting According to Encoder Type andAxis TypeThe method of setting or changing the coordinate zero point differs depending on the encoder type, motor type, andaxis type (infinite length axis or finite length axis) to be used. Use the flowchart below to correctly set the fixed param-eter according to your application.Absolute encoder ? NOYESInfinite length axis ? NOYESDirect-drive motor ? NOYESDirect-drive motor ? YESNOInfinite length axis ?STARTNOYESSimple ABSapplicable ?YESNOFixed Parameter SettingNo.1, bit 0 = 0(Finite length axis)No.1, bit 0 = 0(Finite length axis)No.1, bit 0 = 1(Infinite length axis)㧗No.1, bit 9 = 1(Simple ABS enabled)No.1, bit 0 = 1(Infinite length axis)㧗No.1, bit 9 = 1(Simple ABS enabled)No.1, bit 0 = 1(Infinite length axis)㧗No.1, bit 9 = 0(Simple ABS disabled)No.1, bit 0 = 1(Infinite length axis)Encoder TypeIncrementalencoderAbsoluteencoderAbsoluteencoderAbsoluteencoderAbsoluteencoderMotor TypeAny typeIncrementalencoder Any typeAny typeother thandirect-drivemotorDirect-drivemotorAny typeother thandirect-drivemotorAny typeother thandirect-drivemotor