Appendix E Fixed Parameter Setting According to Encoder Type and Axis TypeA-21 AppendicesCoordinate Zero Point isDetermined ByPrecautions When Turningthe Power Back ON Setting Mode How to Change theCoordinate Zero PointZero point return method andzero point position offset(OL48).The way the axis returns to zeropoint depends on the motion pattern.(See the relevant SERVOPACKmanual.)Encoder zero-point position(incremental pulses) and MachineController coordinate zero pointoffset (OL48).Encoder zero-point position isset by encoder initialization.Encoder zero-point position(incremental pulses) and MachineController coordinate zero pointoffset (OL48).Encoder zero-point position isset by encoder initialization.Encoder zero-point position(incremental pulses) and MachineController coordinate zero pointoffset (OL48).Encoder zero-point position isset by encoder initialization.Encoder zero-point position(incremental pulses) and byexecuting ZSET (Set Zero Point)command.Requires zero point returnoperation after turning ON the power.When zero point return operation isnot performed, the position when thepower is turned ON becomes thecoordinate zero point. In this case,if ZSET (Set Zero Point) command isnot executed, the software limitfunction will not be valid.Requires no special processing sincethe encoder retains the position datawhile the power to the MachineController is OFF.However, the ZSET (Set Zero Point)command must be executed tovalidate the software limitfunctionWhile the power to the MachineController is OFF, the encoderretains the position data within oneturn (incremental pulses), however,it does not retain multiturn data.Requires to execution of the ZSET(Set Zero Point) command afterturning ON the power.Requires no special processing sincethe encoder retains the position datawhile the power to the MachineController is OFF.However, the ZSET (Set Zero Point)command must be executed afterturning ON the power. (If not analarm will occur.)Requires processing to requestcoordinate setup (set bit 7 ofOW00 to ON.)The current position coordinate mustbe backed up even during normaloperation.Both processes can be implementedby using a ladder program.For details, refer toEither Absolute mode or inIncremental Addition mode(relative value).Depends on the setting ofOW09, bit 5.Setting range: -2 31 to 2 31 -1In Incremental Addition mode(relative value)Either Absolute mode or inIncremental Addition mode(relative value).Depends on the setting ofOW09, bit 5.Setting range: -2 31 to 2 31 -1Incremental Addition mode(relative value)Incremental Addition mode(relative value)Incremental Addition mode(relative value)The coordinate zero pointoffset is always calculated.The coordinate zero pointwill be changed wheneverthe OL48 is changed.When setting the currentposition as the zero point,set OL48 to the result ofOL48 - IL10.Executing ZSET (Set Zero Point)command will re-set thecoordinate system.Set OL48 to the coordinatevalue to be set, and then executeZSET command.9.4.5 ( 4 ) Lad-der Program for Infinite Length AxisPosition Control.